Old Mink

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Old Mink is a 170 proof alcohol made from corn & mushrooms with incredibly concentrated quantities of Psilocybin. It is cut with ginger, jalapeños, and concentrated sugars.

Popular in the the pan-dimensional city of Cynosure and the shadows it is connected to and those in its sway.

There is a legend that Prince Bleys of Amber plied King Random of Amber with a liberal amount of this drink causing him to have dramatic hallucinations and to waander off tripping into shadow.

For this prank he was imprisoned in the dungeons of Amber for 90 days.

Versions of Old Mink

  • There is less potently alcoholic but respectably hallucinogenic version sweetened with Sweet Flora sugars that can be found on the world Adzilies in Winter. It is said to have a floral, rose, taste.
  • There is a version of Old Mink found in the Azcalan Sway that habanaros and Retosa peppers are used to infuse the brew to give it a fiery bite.
  • There are rumors of a vodka based drink similar to Old Mink in the Regor Sway. Less Hallucinogenic, yet still psilocybin based. Filtered. Clear, 120 proof.
  • An Old Mink candy is popular in many realms between the Cynosure & Mandalay Sways. It is mildly hallucinogenic and mildly alcoholic, a liquid filling a white chocolate candy.