Excie Davis
The Saint of Obscurity Evil_Friends
-Cares about Others 3
-Model 1
-Fashion 1
-Myths and Legends 1
-Social Media 1
-Tech Savvy 1
-Shine 5 (from Persona)
-B: I want to be a heroine 5
-A: Hather Cristnos will never let me go 2
-B: I want to find a family 2
-A: It hurts me to say "no" 1
-B: I love my friends from town 1
-A: My heart has been stolen 1
-B: The wizard in my cell phone gives me advice 1
... must be somewhat unknown
... must be difficult to understand 2
... lasts forever
... is surrounded in darkness
... is driven to be forgotten 2
Aspect 0
Domain 0
Persona 5
Treasure 0
Aspect 7 (Skill: Hero)
Limited -1 (saving people, fighting bad guys and monsters, doing the right thing)
Local effects only -1
Simple -1 (0 MP)
Rare +1
= 5 character points
Excie can act in the role of the heroine, bravely putting herself in the way of danger to save innocents, fight bad guys and monsters and do the right thing. Within this role she can do local, momentary actions that defy reason, breaking the rules of physics and operating on the mythic principles of heroism. If she is manipulated into the role of victim or villain then this gift is useless.
-"Cell Phone with a Wizard in it"
Treasure 5 (and all lesser miracles)
Clearly Defined -1 (limited collection of magical spell apps)
Anywhere +1 (unlimited range)
Simple -1 (0 MP)
Rare +1
= 5 character points
One of Excie's many adventures in the town of Obscurity involved defeating an evil wizard. One of her friends, an amateur witch, managed to trap the wizard harmlessly within a cell phone. Since then Excie has used the cell phone like a modern day magic wand. It has a variety of spells in the form of apps she can activate at the press of a button. Right now these include; telepathic talk and text, a camera that can fast forward or rewind the time on a photo to look into the past or future, a fashion app that lets her design her clothes and instantly change them, a teleportation email function, a friend app that convinces people they are friends with her, a force generating app that can create protective force fields or devastating force blasts, access to the Mythic information superhighway and the advice of the wizard still trapped within. Downloading more apps would require deleting older ones. People may telepathically text/phone her by thinking about her hard enough until it rings.