Ironclaw Fur and Fury/Xote

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Xote d'Chauveau

Donkey Knight-Errant



Xote was born to peasants on Chauveau lands, but his parents died from disease when he was very young, too young to properly understand death. In a stroke of fortune alongside that tragedy, when the nobles overseeing that land arrived to assess damages and decide on what to do next, they brought along their son, Destin. The noble child had been sullen for months (his brother having died of the same illness that claimed Xote's parents), but meeting the young donkey helped to bring him out of his shell, the two getting on very well together. Seeing this change in their son and feeling for the poor orphan, the boy's parents adopted him into their household.

This caused grumbling in House Chauveau, but the house had fallen since its glory days: adopting someone so lowborn barely registered as a scandal with their lowly finances and esteem. Still, while Destin and his adoptive parents grew to love Xote as family, he grew up acutely aware that many looked down their muzzles at him. Both within his house and at gatherings of other nobles, many regarded him as a novelty, a walking joke, or worse. Aside from giving him sympathy for other commonborn, this sparked his burning desire to prove them all wrong -- to prove himself worthy of the noble legacy that had taken him in. He threw himself into his tutelage and training alongside his brother and the other Chauveau youths. While he never distinguished himself as a scholar (that was more Destin's specialty), he honed his skill with a blade to a very impressive degree.

One of the few who consistently matched him was Celeste, a young scion of a much more well-regarded noble house. At first, the two frustrated one another, each thinking from first impression that the other was arrogant and playing a frivolous game. If nothing else, a few clashes taught them to respect each other's skill in combat. Over the years, this rivalry waned; the two came to better understand one another. Both felt somewhat out of their depth in social situations and frustration at their circumstances, Xote from the casual disdain at his low birth and species and Celeste from the firm expectations that she comport herself as a proper lady. They began to enjoy their time together more and more. Perhaps too much: they've recently realized just how smitten with one another they've become. And painfully aware of how the gulf in social standing complicates any courtship.

But there are other pressing matters for Xote. While House Chauveau's finances have seen some improvements in the past few years,* there remains a lot of pressure on everyone in the household to find and earn additional revenue where they can. This past year, Destin has turned his mind to mercantile pursuits while Xote has taken up as a sell-sword, sometimes cycling in to support house efforts that need his strength of arms.

  • Xote's uncle, a jovial if somewhat ruthless man, has proven himself an especially deft hand with investments, contracts, and political wheeling-and-dealing.



Habitat Plains
Cycle Day
Diet Herbivore
Senses Listen, Spot
Weapons Hooves
Age 19
Gender Male
Height Average
Eyes Blue
Pelt Light gray
Distinguishing Characteristic Surprising grace
Distinguishing Characteristic

Personal Motto

Don't judge a book by its cover.



Species: Donkey d6
Career: Knight-Errant d8
Body d8
Speed d8
Mind d4
Will d8
Name Favorite Use Marks Species Career
Academics Legends, Tales and Folklore / d4
Brawling Hooves / d4
Dodge Vs. Melee /// d8 d8
Endurance d6
Jumping d6
Melee Combat With Swords ///(/) d10 d8
Negotiation With nobles // d6
Observation Hearing things / d4
Presence ____ / d4
Ranged Combat
Riding ____ / d4
Tactics d6 d8
Weather Sense


Type Name Exhausted Refresh? Description
Personality Sanguine [] Respite After any roll that is somehow relevant to the personality, exhaust this Gift to roll a bonus d12.
Language Calabrese
Local Knowledge Bisclavret?
Initial Combat Save [] Respite
Species Hiking Bonus d12 to Endurance when enduring long-distance travel on foot.
Species Increased Trait (Body) Increase Body by one die size.
Species Increased Trait (Speed) Increase Speed by one die size.
Career Etiquette Bonus d12 to rolls at formal functions, parties, or social events.
Career Nobility [] Influence Bonus d12 to rolls with Noble Matters, entitlement to "high justice," etc.; exhaust this gift for Influence.
Career Veteran Bonus d12 to Guarding and Aiming actions (instead of d8).
General Literacy Can read and write.
General Resolve Will Dice as bonus Soak Dice.
General Knack for Melee [] Respite +1 Melee Mark; exhaust this Gift to reroll a Melee roll.

Gear and cash

Cash: 8 Denarii







Stride: Dash: (1/2 Max Speed +1 if Body>speed) Sprint: (Speed die) Run: (Max body + Max speed + Dash)


Attack---Attack Dice---Effect





Defense---Defense Dice---Effect

Speed & dodge dice--- ---dodge Parry rod ---

Soak and armor

Soak and Armor
