Alabaster Sunset

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Revision as of 08:19, 4 November 2006 by Amnesiack (talk | contribs)
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"Found you."

Leaf Shakes the Wind laughed as he dropped from the branches of the dogwood, a few stray blossoms falling with him. "I guess you did." He stretched slightly, relaxing limbs that had tightened after hours of stillness. "What does that make it now? Three out of seven?"

Alabaster Sunset's mandibles widened in what Leaf knew was a grin. "Four out of eight. We're even now. I'm learning your tricks."

"Oh?" Leaf raised an eyebrow. "I'll have to learn some new ones then. I wouldn't want you to get bored."

Alabaster Sunset's body began to fold in on itself, segmented limbs joining, hard green carapace softening into sun-browned flesh. "Heh. Well, I'm sure you've still got something else up your sleeve. After all, what if I turn out to be a secret, deep-cover agent for Ma-Ha-Suchi, and you have to put me down?" Alabaster Sunset leaned against the tree's trunk, her smile almost coy on her now-human face.

"In that case, I would be truly doomed, wouldn’t I?" Leaf caught a falling flower and twirled it idly in his fingers, the broad white petals shining in the late afternoon sun. “After all, I’ve turned my back on you at least a dozen times since Breaking Iron.

“And don’t think I haven’t thought of putting a spear into it from time to time.”

“You and half the Eye of Hiparkes.” A petal dropped from his hands to the forest floor. “Only, you’d probably succeed, if you put your mind to it.”

“Feh. I don’t think the old goat-wolf himself could put you down.”

Leaf Shakes the Wind put his hand over his heart and faked a short sniffle. “Alabaster Sunset, I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

The Lunar laughed. “Somehow, I’m not surprised.” She pushed herself away from the tree. “Ready for round nine?”

Heaven's Mandate