Dog King's Bounty:Qin
Rank: Seasoned
XP: 20
Wounds: 0/3
Fatigue: 0/2
Power Points: 15/15
Pace: 6
Parry: 3
Toughness: 10 (4)
Funds: $200
Agility d4
Smarts d10
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Athletics d4
Common Knowledge d4
Fighting d4
Gambling d4
Healing d6
Notice d8
Occult d4
Persuasion d4
Stealth d4
Spellcasting d10
Survival d8
Arcane Background (Magic)
New Powers
Boost/Lower Trait
Detect/Conceal Arcana
Mind Link
Enchanted Amulet (+4 armor)
Medic Kit (2)
Spiked Tentacle (STR+d6, Reach 1)
Special Abilities
Special Abilities: Amorphous: Slimes have no need to breathe, are immune to poison and disease, and possess no vital organs making them invulnerable to Called Shots.
Expansive Form: Slimes are capable of stretching themselves, creating tentacles or psuedopods to interact with their surroundings. Reach 1.
Gelatinous: Due to their oozing bodies, slimes have a -1 penalty to all Agility rolls (but not linked Skills).
Incapable Combatant: Due to their indirect hunting tactics slimes are not skilled in defending themselves in direct combat. -1 Parry.
Mystically Inclined: Due to having a number of ephemeral cores of magical energy, Dark Slimes start with +5 Power Points.
Racial Enemy (Matango): Due to often sharing the same type of living environments, slimes and Matango are very often at odds and thus dislike each other immensely.
Sinks Like a Stone: Slimes are not buoyant in the least and unable to move properly in water, making them completely unable to swim.
Unimpressive: Thanks to being both semi-solid and liquid, slimes just aren't very scary. At all. -2 to all Intimidation rolls.
Wall Walker: Slimes can move across any solid surface, including inverted or vertical ones.
Weakness (Heat): Slimes have a preference for dark and damp environments, giving them a -4 penalty when dealing with heat or heat-based attacks.Advances: Smarts d8 -> d10, Healing d4 -> d6, Spellcasting d8 -> d10, Brawny, Wizard