Sample CoN Character Sheet

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Insert Name

L7 Race Class (XP: ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo)

Theme/Background Name:

Appearance: (keywords or one sentence)

Traits: (virtues and vices)


Bonds: (we'll develop in play)


Mark XP

  • Insert class motivation
  • Act according to your traits
  • Insert alignment goal


6/6 12/12 9/9 16/16 11/11 18/18 14/14
(-1) (+2) (+3) (+1)
ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo


  • Hit Die d8
  • Armor:
  • HP: X/Y


  • Weapon 1 Attack +X to hit, +X damage, tags
  • Weapon 2 Attack +Y to hit, +Y damage, tags

Personal Mission

Descriptive sentence

  • Recover the Obdurate Scepter of Sekhrelash (an artifact linked to the spirits of the land that Rahesh once stood upon) from the hands of the demons who stole it
  • Prove to my mother that I am an adequate vessel to continue the bloodline should she shuffle off this mortal coil into the bliss of undeath
  • Learn the true name of my rival, the devil known by the use-name of Kraz the Implacable

Elf Characteristics

Insert Custom Class

Insert Paragon Path

Cleric Moves

Favor X/10

  • Disciple - You are a vessel of divine will, charged with promoting and

defending your faith. Your deity has the same alignment as you, and 2 linked domains— those parts of existence over which they hold sway (darknes, war; love, the moon, etc.). Name your deity and write down their domains. Then, write 1 tenet by which the faithful strive to abide (“Always help those in need,” “Destroy enemies of the faith,” etc.). Favor represents your current standing in the eyes of your deity. The maximum favor you may hold at any time is equal to your current level +WIS or +CHA (your choice, minimum of 1). You start play with maximum favor. When you make any move roll that falls within the domain of your deity, you may spend favor before you roll the dice to increase the result by +1 for each point of favor spent.

  • Pray - When you take the necessary time to commune with your deity, say what that looks like and roll +WIS or +CHA, taking +1 if you bear your holy symbol, and +1 if you occupy a place sacred to your faith: on a 10+, your prayers are head - restore your favor to maximum, on a 7-9, gain 1 favor; on a 6-, mark the ability used, and the Judge makes a move.

Advanced Moves

Spells & Spell Notes



Capacity: XX | Weight Carried: YY

  • Worn
  • Backpack
  • Beast of Burden

Silver in Hand:
