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A character in the The Shock of This Notable Storm B/X Campaign.


  • Neutral Fighter 4
  • XP: 8000/16000
  • Languages: Britonnic, Latin
  • Backstory: A brawny, somewhat naive farm boy who's inherited his father's weapons and armor and is looking for a more exciting life. Little does he know the risks...


  • STR 13 (+1)
  • INT 11
  • WIS 12
  • DEX 11
  • CON 8 (-1)
  • CHA 8 (-1/3/6)


  • HP:23/23
  • AC: 3 (Chain Armor + Med Shield) - AC 5 without shield
  • Attack: Sword (1d20+1 to hit, 1d8+1 damage), Spear (1d20(+1 melee only) to hit, 1d6(+1 melee only) damage)
  • Movement: 60'/20'/60'
  • Saves:
    • Death Ray or Poison: 10
    • Magic Wands: 11
    • Paralysation or Petrification: 12
    • Dragon Breath: 13
    • Rod, Stave, or Spell: 14


  • Encumbrance: 675 (670 + 5)
  • Armor:
    • Chain Armor (AC 5, 40gp, 400cn)
    • Scyld Med Round Shield (-2 AC, 10gp, 100cn)
  • Weapons:
    • Spatha Sword (1d8+1, 10gp, 60cn)
    • Spear (1d6, range 20/40/60, 4gp, 30cn)
  • Backpack (5gp, 80cn)
    • Waterskin (1gp)
    • (7 days) Rations, Iron (15gp)
    • Tinder Box (3gp)
    • (2) Sack, Sm (2gp)
    • (2) Sack, Lg (4gp)
    • (6) Torches (1gp)
  • Personal Coin/Treasure:
    • GP: 5
    • SP:
    • CP:
    • Other: