Wyrd of the Wanderer - Player 2
Name: Ceridwen Rank: Seasoned
Race: Human Gender Female HT 6’ 7 WT 167 AGE Unknown XP 20
Wyrd Adept: Wildwarden
Savagery [Strength] d4
Reflexes [Agility] d6
Grit [Vigor] d4
Cunning [Smarts] d6
Wyrd [Spirit] d10
Derived Stats
Charisma 2
Pace 6 [+1d6 running]
Parry 6
Toughness 4 + 1
- Fighting d6
- Investigation d6
- Notice d8
- Persuasion d10
- Stealth d6
- Survival d8 +2
- Wyrdweaving d10
- Wyrd Adept: Wildwarden
- Stonefist
- Alertness
- Arcane resistance
- Beast Bond
- Beast Master
- Hard to kill
- New Power
Beast Bond
Nature is red of tooth and claw. The heart of the Wildwarden is the heart of beasts and trees, and he is a vicious protector of his people. The power of the Alpha radiates from the Wildwarden and he adds +2 to his charisma. He also gains an additional +2 to reactions from both wild and domestic beasts, who view him as an actual alpha of their own species (if not their particular coterie, pack, or herd).
Finally, Wildwardens gain the bonus edge Stonefist [replaces martial artist] for free.
Wildwardens often take on aspects of a particular plant or beast or environmental feature when manifesting their powers.
Uses: 4
- Entangle
- Burrow
- Beast Friend
- Shape change
- Summon Ally
- Wall Walker
Halberd (savagery + 1d8)
Dirk (savagery + 1d4)
Leather (+1)
50 gold