Nagol Greyborne

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Nagol Greyborne


Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Dread Necro human LE
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
4 med 24 male
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
5'8" 178lb blue black

STR 10 +0
DEX 14 +2
CON 12 +1
INT 10 +0
WSD 13 +1
CHA 16 +3
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
20 0 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
2 2 0 30
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
18 10 5 1 2 0 0 0 0

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
5 2 2 0 1
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
5 2 2 0 1
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT 2 1 1 0 0
REFL 3 1 2 0 0
WILL 4 4 0 0 0


Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
silver dagger 1d4 x2 20 1 light pierce
masterwork sickle +1 1b6 x2 3 light slashing
masterwork composite longbow +1 1d8 x3 120 5 pierce


Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
mithril breastplate light +5 0 +5 na 30 15
masterwork small metal shield shield +1 0 - 5% - 6

Feats & Special Abilities

Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Tomb_tainted Soul healed by negative energy instead of positive energy
Weapon Finesse use dex instead of str in melee
Arcane Disciple (Nerull) add Evil Domain spells to spell list, each castable once a day; Protection from Good, Desecration, Magic Circle Against Good, Unholy Blight, Dispell Good, Create Undead, Blasphemy, Unholy Aura, Summon Monster IX
Spellcasting Level 1: 7 Level 2: 4


Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
spellcraft int 8 1 7
knowledge(religion) int 6 1 5
concentration con 9 2 7
intimidate cha 10 3 7
hide dex 4 2 2

Spell List

Name Level Ready? Count Cast Time Range Save Description/Effect
cause fear no
Bane 1 yes 1 standard 50' willall en all enemies within 50' take -1 attack, -1 save vs fear conters and dispells bless
cause fear 1 yes 1 standarc close (45' will frightened for 1d4 rounds; save means shaken for 1 round; above 6HD are immune
Chill touch 1 yes 1 standard touch fort/will 1d6 points negative energy; 1 point str if fail fort, 1 touch per level undead take no damage but flee panicked for 1d4 roundds
detect magic 1 yes 1 standard 60' cone no detect magic auras rounds: 1-presense, 2-number and most potent, 3-strength and location
detect undead 1 yes 1 standard 60' cone no as detect magic
Doom 1 yes 1 standard 140' will shaken for 1min/lvl
hide from undead 1 yes 1 standard touch will undead cannot sense the affected for 10min/lvl
inflict light wounds 1 yes 1 standard touch will half 1d8+4 negative energy; heals undead
ray of enfeeblement 1 yes 1 standard 45' none ranged touch attack, 1d6+2 str damage
summon undead I 1 yes 1 round 45 none 1 rd/lvl; as summon monster, but the following available: human warrior skeleton or kobold zombie
blindness/deafness 2 yes 1 standard 140 fort blind or deafen; permanent
command undead 2 yes 1 standard 45 will undead creature treats you as friendly; opposed cha check if need to 'convince'
darkness 2 yes 1 standard touch none object radiates darkness 20'; creatures gain concealment 20%; 10min/lvl
death knell 2 yes 1 standard touch will touch creature at -1, dies and grants 1d8 temp hit points +2 str +1 caster level for 10 min per creature HD
false life 2 yes 1 standard personal temp hit points 1d10+1 per level for 1hr/lvl
gentle repose 2 yes 1 standard touch will dead tissue does not spoil for 1 day/level
ghoul touch 2 yes 1 standard touch fort paralyze creature for 1d6+2 rounds; all in 10' need fort save or become sickened
inflict light wounds 2 yes 1 standard touch will half 1d8 +1 per level damage from negative energy
scare 2 yes 1 standard 140 will part cause fear but effect all up to 6HD; one creatrue per 3 levels
spectral hand 2 yes 1 standard 140 none touch spells/attacks at distance; +2 attack on touch melee; 1 min/lvl
summon swarm 2 yes 1 round 45 none summon swarm of bats, rats, spiders; concentration +2 rounds
summon undead II 2 yes 1 round 45 none 1 rd/lvl; as summon monster, but the following available: owlbear skeleton or bugbear zombie


Gear Location Weight Description/Special
backpack back 2
bedroll backpack 5
candle x3 bletpouch --
chalk x5 beltpouch --
flask x2 backpack 3
ink backpack --
ink pen backpack --
parhment x10 backpack --
beltpouch x2 belt 1
rations x5 backpack 5
silk rope 50' backpack 5
silk rope 50' backpack 5
silk rope 50' backpack 5


No Treasure Assigned.


Dark, lank hair outlines the thin, pale face of Nagol, his bright blue eyes burning with a knowledge of secrets. His garb is dark and somber, and along with his pallid complection give him the impression that the sun does not ever shine directly upon him. Indeed, there appear more shadows around his light framed body than would be normal. He moves in a slow, but purposeful manner, never seeming to hurry, but his graceful movements allow him to match anyone's.


Calm as night, confident in his knowledge, it is nearly impossible to surpirse, anger or rile Nagol Greyborne. He uses his even temperment as a tool; a weapon against his foes, a shield against those that seek him harm, a subterfuge for those that try to know him. He is not afraid to speak, though he rarely shares any information on background, philosophy, or other matters of deep personal concern.