Is Paris Burning: CALEB
Character Name
Archibald "Wink" Winkworth
Short description:
How about a WW 1 Officer returned home but restless after seeing Paris and meeting Hemingway? Educated but just smart enough to know he's not that smart.
Investigator Name:
"Wink" Winkworth
Occupation: Private Eye
Colleges, Degrees: U Mass, English Degree
Birthplace: Martha's Vineyard
Mental Disorders: None Yet Sex: Male Age: 28 Family & Friends: Father Gerald Winkworth Wounds & Injuries: Nothing significant Marks & Scars: A shrapnel scar or two
STR 15 CON 12 SIZ 12 INT 11 POW 12 DEX 14 APP 16 EDU 14 HP: 12 Damage bonus +1d4 Idea: 55% Know: 70% Luck: 60% SAN: 60
Accounting 10% Anthropology 0% Archaeology 0% Astronomy 0% Bargain 75% Biology 0% Chemistry 0% Climb 0% Conceal 25% Credit Rating 15% Cthulhu Mythos 0% Disguise 20% Drive Auto 50% Electrical Repair 0% Fast Talk 55% First Aid 30% Geology 0% Hide 40% History 25% Jump 25% Law 55% Library Use 25% Listen 25% Locksmith 40% Mechanical Repair 30% Medicine 05% Melee Weapon 10% Natural History 15% Navigate 0% Occult 0% Operate Hvy. Machine 0% Other Language French 05% Other Language 0% Persuade 35% Pharmacy 0% Photography 45% Physics 0% Pilot 0% Psychoanalysis 0% Psychology 45% Ride 05% Sneak 40% Spot Hidden xx% Swim 40% Throw 05% Track 20% Fist/Punch 60% Head Butt xx% Kick xx% Grapple xx% Martial Arts xx% Dodge xx% Handgun65% Machine Gun 05 Rifle 25% Languages:
English, a little French
Rumpled suit, trench coat, fedora
Background and Notes
Wink's father is a local politician who pulled a few strings when Wink signed up, and got him a job behind the trenches driving a general around. Not one of the famous generals, and he got shot at and shelled more than you'd think, but he came through unscathed, except for a touch of jumpiness and a haunting feeling that his best days are behind him at the age of 28. Unfit for any respectable profession, he got his PI license, mostly in order to do dirty business and what later generations would call opposition research on behalf of his dad, who made a bundle off the War. He'd jump at the chance to investigate something more interesting than a philandering alderman.