Star Worlds:Starship List

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Vehicles & Spacecraft

Your character will inevitably get their hands on some kind of vehicle or spacecraft. Most everybody can operate any vehicle to a limited extent, able to casually steer the vehicle in calm, routine situations. However, any time you pull off a risky maneuver or pilot under pressure, you'll need to roll.

Name Cost Vehicle Type Vitality Armor Qualities
Speeder Bike 7000c Land 10 Fast, Dangerous
Optional Light Mounted Blaster (1d6, +1000c)
Swoop 12,000c Land 10 Very Fast, Dangerous
Optional Light Mounted Blaster (1d6, +1000c)
Land Speeder 18,000c Land 20 +1 Passengers
Optional Medium Mounted Blaster (1d6+1, +2000c)
Air Speeder 30,000c Atmospheric Flight 25 +1 Optional Medium Mounted Blaster (1d6+1, +2000c)
Hauler Truck 22,000c Land 25 +2 Slow, Cargo
Optional Medium Mounted Blaster (1d6+1, +2000c)
Service Walker 50,000c Land 15 Heavy Lifter
Optional Light Mounted Blaster (1d6, +1000c)
Combat Walker Military Only Land 30 +2 Heavy Mounted Blaster (1d6+3)
Star Fighter Military Only Space Flight 60 +2 Blaster Cannons (2d6), Proton Torpedoes (3d6 Blast)
Star Freighter 100,000c Space Flight 100 +2 Hyperspeed
Blaster Cannons (2d6)
Smuggler’s Star Freighter 150,000c Space Flight 100 +1 Hyperspeed, Hiding Spots
Blaster Cannon Turrets (2d6, x2)
Capital Ship Military Only Space Flight 500 +5 Massive Arsenal, Hyperspeed

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