The Borderlands Ballad
Altiokis' Tomb
1219.IV.14 to 15
Scarabs 25xp
7 mirror images 140xp
17 skeletons 374xp
Magic Pigments 500xp or 3000gp & xp
Embalming tools 100gp
Alabaster jars with golden lids (7) 2100gp
Silver amulet 5gp
12 helmets 720gp
12 pommel stones 240gp
Either 1039 3165 or 3539 6165
The First Expedition to the Barrows
1219.IV.01 to 04
3 Skeletons 66xp
3 Barrow Warriors 258xp
6 Ancient Helmets 150gp
1 Gold Necklace 1400gp
1 pr Bracers of Defence +1 3000gp (Sold)
Some Funerary medallions 380gp
2 silver/jade armbands 100gp
89 gold coins, another 116 silver coins, 117 copper coins: 101.77gp
2 clay tablets: ?
3 jars of ancient honey: ?
909 Exp
2 clay tablets: ?
3 jars of ancient honey: ?
Allston's Wagon
Treasure 42 xp
Wolves 210 xp
Goblins 90 xp
57 xp each
966 Exp each