Stat Block
10 | 14 | 14 | 12 | 8 | 16 |
+0 | +2 | +2 | +1 | -1 | +3 |
- Class: Bard 4
- College of Valor
- Human
- Urban Bounty Hunter
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Proficiency bonus: +2
- Total Hit Points: 25
- Passive Perception: 9
- Armor Class: 18
Proficiencies and Skills
- Acrobatics (Dex) +4
- Animal Handling (Wis) +0
- Arcana (Int) +2
- Athletics (Str) +1
- Deception (Cha) +5
- History (Int) +2
- Insight (Wis) +1
- Intimidation (Cha) +7
- Investigation (Int) +3
- Medicine (Wis) +0
- Nature (Int) +2
- Perception (Wis) +0
- Performance (Cha) +4
- Persuasion (Cha) +5
- Religion (Int) +2
- Sleight of Hand (Dex) +3
- Stealth (Dex) +7
- Survival (Wis) +0
- Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
- Languages: Common, Elvish, +1
- Tools: Thieves Tools, Pan Flute, Lute, Drum
- Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
- Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Spells and Features
- Darkvision: 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
- Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
- Ear to the Ground:
- Spellcasting:
- Bardic Inspiration: 3 times per long rest (1d6)
- Jack of All trades: +1 half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to any ability check you make that doesn't already have a proficiency bonus.
- Song of Rest:
- Expertise: Intimidation and Stealth
- Combat Inspiration
Magic Initiate: Sorcerer: Access to Booming Blade, Lightning Lure, and Shield.
War Caster
- Advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration aon a spell when you take damage
- You can perform the somatic component of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
- When a hostile creature's movement provokes an attack of opportunity, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must target only that creature.
Weapons and Armor
- Rapier
- +4 to hit
- 1d8+2 damage
- Dagger
- +4 to hit
- 1d4+2 damage
- Range 20/60
Cantrips Known: 3 Spells Known: 7
- Friends
- Minor Illusion
- Prestidigitation
1st Level Slots: 4
- Dissonant Whispers
- Faerie Fire
- Healing World
- Unseen Servant
2nd Level Slots: 3
- Calm Emotions
- Enhance Ability
- Lesser Restoration
Gear (worn)
- appropriate clothes
- Mithral Scale Armor (uncommon magic item)
- rapier
- dagger
- shield
- coin pouch
Equipment (carried)
- backpack
- bedroll
- costumes (2)
- disguise kit
- 5 candles
- 5 days of rations
- waterskin
- pan flute
- leather armor
Gold: 60
Silver: 00