WH4e TheWitchhuntersLackeys Otto Kaufmann

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NAME: Otto Kaufmann

Species: Human; Class: Courtier; Career: Duelist; Career Level: 1

Career Path: Fencer; Status: Silver 3

Age: 25; Height 6'3":; Hair: Light Brown; Eyes: Black

WS: 40 (41); BS: 37 (37); S: 28 (28), T: 34 (34); I: 31 (35), Ag: 34 (35); Dex: 28 (28); Int: 32 (32); WP: 28 (28); Fel: 34 (34)

Wounds: 10

Fate: 3; Fortune: 3; Resilience: 3; Resolve: 3; Motivation: Absolution

Experience - Current: 5; Spent: 340; Total: 345

Basic Skills: Art (Dex) 28%; Athletics (Ag) 40%; Bribery (Fel) 34%; Charm (Fel) 37%; Climb (S) 28%; Cool (WP) 33%; Consume Alcohol (T) 34%; Dodge (Ag) 47%; Drive (Ag) 35%; Endurance (T) 37%; Entertain (Fel) 34%; Gamble (Int) 32%; Gossip (Fel) 39%; Haggle (Fel) 34%; Intimidate (S) 28%; Intution (I) 44%; Leadership (Fel) 34%; Melee (Basic) (WS) 46%; Melee (Fencing) (WS) 50%; Navigation (I) 35%; Outdoor Survival (Int) 32%; Perception (I) 41%; Ride (Ag) 35%; Row (S) 28%; Stealth (Ag) 35%

Grouped & Advanced Skills: Heal (Int) 37%; Language (Brettonian) (Int) 35%; Language (Classical) (Int) 35%; Lore (Reikland) (Int) 35%

Talents: Doomed ("Thy generosity brings tuppence and a sword in return."); Suave; Animal Affinity; Super Numerate; Flee! (taken); Feint; Distract

Armour: Leather Jack, locations: Body/Arms, Enc: 1, AP: a, Qualities: None

Weapons: Dagger, Group: Basic, Enc: 0, Range/Reach: Very Short, Damage: +SB+2, Qualities: None; Rapier, Group: Fencing; Enc: 1; Range/Reach: Long, Damage: +SB+4, Qualities: Fast, Impale

Trappings': Fine Clothing (Enc: 1); Pouch, Containing Tweezers, Ear Pick, and Comb (Enc: 0); Sling Bag containing Spare Clothing and 2 Bandages (Enc: 1)

Encumbrance - Armour: 1, Weapons: 1, Trappings: 1; Total: 3; Max Encumbrance (that you can carry): 5

Psychology: Sane

Corruption & Mutation: None

Wealth - D: 0, SS: 6, GC: 0