Sailing the Silver Seas: Arkraesh

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Revision as of 06:38, 2 September 2020 by Atlictoatl (talk | contribs)
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  • Lophaeti Qartal L6
  • XP: 40,000/70,000 (10%)
  • Lawful
  • Full PC


  • STR 16 (+2, open doors 4-in-6)
  • INT 12
  • WIS 12
  • DEX 17 (+2 AC/missile, +1 initiative)
  • CON 14 (+1)
  • CHA 12 (4 max retainers, loyalty 7)


  • Languages
    • Common tongue, literate
  • General Skills
    • Survival
      • Tracking/Expert 5+: I follow tracks left by individuals. Modifiers will apply based on terrain, age of tracks, size of group being followed, etc.
      • Harvesting/Skilled 8+ (Dex): I can dress slain animals and harvest parts for various purposes.
      • Navigation/Proficient 15+: I make and read maps, navigate by stars, landmarks, cardinal directions, etc.
      • Wilderness Survival/Proficient 15+: I find food, shelter, etc. in wilderness terrain.
    • Athletics
      • Acrobatics/Expert 3+ (Dex)
      • Jumping/Skilled 8+ (Str)
      • Endurance/Proficient 14+ (Con)
      • Swimming/Proficient 13+ (Str)
  • Racial Abilities
    • may use any weapons, only wear leather armor, can use shields
    • I dislike being indoors or in confined spaces, and suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls when I venture somewhere I cannot see the sky, until I leave. If forced inside, I might enter a catatonic state for 1d6 hours or until I am taken outside.
    • I suffer maximum damage from bludgeoning attacks, due to nearly hollow bones
    • normal herbivores of all sorts are skittish around me, with -2 reaction rolls and -5 to animal handling checks
    • keen-sighted, no penalties on missile attacks at long range and can fire into melee with no penalty
    • 1 in 6 chance to detect secret doors, hidden objects, or large traps (pit/net traps) simply by passing near them / 2 in 6 chance if actively searching
    • extremely alert, only surprised on a 1 in 6.
    • extremely quiet, can Sneak 11+
    • may cast feather fall 1/day upon myself
  • Class Abilities
    • +2d6 damage when attacking with surprise (target is not aware of me), on all attacks that round
    • may continue to attack +6 times/round if I keep killing with melee or missile attacks
    • Unarmed Combat Style: attack twice/round, 1d4+2 damage each blow (eagle-talon fingers and toes), and with +1 initiative
    • +3 to AC while not wearing armor and at 90' or better movement rate
    • 2/day, may attack twice/round while lightly encumbered (90' or better movement rate)
    • +2 to saves to avoid mind control/fear, including claustrophobia, due to self-disclipine
  • Knacks
    • L1: Patient Defense (+1 AC, additional +2 AC if not attacking that round)
    • L4: Self-improvement, primary (Dexterity +2)
    • L7: TBD


  • AC 2 (racial, knack, Dex, shield)
  • HP (just list the max here, list current HP on the front page.)
  • Movement Rate: 120' / 40'
  • Initiative Modifier: +1 (+2 with Unarmed Combat)
  • Attacks
    • Unarmed: 2 attacks/round, THAC0 13, 1d4+2 damage each
    • Handaxe: THAC0 13, 1d6+2 damage, range 10/20/30 thrown
    • Longbow: THAC0 13, 1d6 damage, range 70/140/210
  • Saves: (+2 vs mind control/fear)
    • Petrification & Paralysis 11
    • Poison & Death 9
    • Blast & Breath 11
    • Staves & Wands 10
    • Spells 13


  • Feather Fall 1/day


  • Encumbrance: 270
    • Shield (100)
    • Longbow (30)
    • Handaxe x2 (60)
    • Backpack (80)
      • stuff