Strangers in a Strange Land OSE:Amonq
- Goblin Shaman L7
- XP: 50,000/96,000 (+5%)
- Neutral
- PC
- List any titles or holdings
- STR 13 (+1) open doors 3-in-6
- INT 11
- WIS 14 (+1)
- DEX 13 (+1)
- CON 13 (+1)
- CHA 07 (-1) 3 max retainers, loyalty 6
- Languages:
- Goblin
- Common
- General Skills
- Animal Handling/Wolves (Wis): Expert 4+ I know how to train and care for wolves. In order to train “monsters” (griffons, wyverns, etc.) a critical success is needed on the roll. As a general rule it takes 1d4 months to break/domesticate an animal, and 1d4 weeks to teach one trick.
- Deception/Sense Motive (Wis): Expert 4+
- Healing (Wis): Skilled 9+ On a successful roll, I heal 1d3 hp to a wounded target. Can be used once per day per person. This skill can also be used to treat those with the following ongoing conditions: diseased, poisoned, injury. I can treat a maximum number of patients with ongoing conditions at any given time as follows: Proficient 2, Skilled 5, Expert 8.
- Goblin Abilities
- I dislike bright light
- 90' infravision
- decent miner, spot new/unusual stone construction (including traps/secret doors) on 1-3 in 8
- Shaman Abilities
- weapons known (5): dagger, hand axe, sword, shortbow, staff
- command/control undead as cleric of same level
- custom spell list
- craft magical items and potions
- 2d4 fanatical goblin followers
- Shaman of Logua, She who Howls in the Night, an ancient and grizzled she-wolf, nearly as tall as a Man, with a hide scarred from countless blades and battles
- priest of war: +2 damage to attacks, as goblin
- strike true: 2/day roll twice when making an attack, taking best result
- expanded spell list
- Knacks
- Speak with Totem: I may converse with members of my tribe’s totem species (wolf)
- Faery Heritage, spellcraft: I have 4 spell slots per day, as CL 4
- dancing lights (1 slot)
- glamour (1 slot)
- animal friendship (2 slots)
- blur (2 slots)
- charm person (2 slots)
- invisibility (3 slots)
- AC
- HP (just list the max here, list current HP on the front page.)
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
- Hand axe: +4 to hit, 1d6+3 damage, 30' thrown
- Sword: +4 to hit, 1d8+3 damage
- Staff: +4 to hit, 1d4+3 damage, blunt, slow, 2-handed
- Dagger: +4 to hit, 1d4+3 damage, 30' thrown
- Shortbow: +4 to hit, 1d6 damage, 150' range
- Saves: (+1 vs magic)
- Petrification & Paralysis 11
- Poison & Death 08
- Blast & Breath 13
- Staves & Wands 09
- Spells 11
- First Level: 2/day
- berserker rage*
- cure light wounds
- darkness
- detect magic
- remove fear (reverse only)
- speak with animals
- wither*
- Second Level: 2/day
- bless
- call wolf*
- charm person or mammal*
- command animal*
- hold person
- silence 15’ radius
- speak with animals
- Third Level: 2/day
- animal growth
- animate dead
- cure disease
- dispel magic
- hold animal
- remove curse
- Fourth Level: 1/day
- cure serious wounds
- divination
- sticks to snakes
- summon animals (wolves/dire wolves only, add CHA modifier to total HD summoned)
- Fifth Level: 1/day
- commune
- flame strike: range 60'; A flame strike produces a vertical column of divine fire 30' high and 10' in diameter that roars downward on a target. The spell deals 6d8 hit points of damage. A successful saving throw versus spells reduces the damage to 3d8.
- insect plague
- polymorph self (wolf or dire wolf only)
- raise dead
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character.
- Then list
- Those things
- Individually