Strangers in a Strange Land OSE:Tathlyn
- Human Assassin, Level 6
- XP: 50,000 / 64,000 (+5%)
- Neutral
- Primary PC of Naburimannu
- STR 14 (+1 melee combat, doors 3-in-6)
- INT 14
- WIS 16 (+2 saves vs magic)
- DEX 14 (+1 initiative, armour class, ranged attacks)
- CON 18 (+3 hp/die)
- CHA 14 (+1 reaction, max 5 retainers, loyalty 8)
- Common
- Swampspeak
General Skills
- Alchemy 14+ (Int, proficient, poison-trained): identify, isolate, work with alchemical substances; synthesise poison, create magical potions.
- Athletics/Endurance 7+ (Con, skilled)
- Athletics/Swimming 9+ (Str, skilled)
- Bargain 9+ (Cha, skilled): adjust price 5% per 3 points of success margin
- Knowledge/History 14+ (Int, proficient)
- Survival/Harvesting 9+ (Dex, skilled): dress slain animals
- Survival/Wilderness 8+ (Wis, skilled): find food, shelter
Class Abilities
- Backstab: +2d6 damage when attacking with surprise
- Minimum damage: 1d6
- Cleave: 6
- Combat Style: Sword + Shield: +1 AC to nearby allies
- Combat Manoeuvre: Force Back
- Thief Skills
- Climb 12+ (+2)
- Disable 10+ (+4)
- Hear Noise 10+ (+4)
- Sleight of Hand 14+ (0)
- Read Languages 14+ (+6)
- Sneak 10+ (+4)
- Spot 10+ (+4)
- Rogue
- Primary Stat Improvement
- AC 5 (leather, shield, dex)
- HP 37 (6d6+18)
- Movement Rate: 90'(30')
- Initiative Modifier: +1
- Attacks:
- Wightqueller (sword +1, +3 vs undead): 13+, 1d8+2
- silvered dagger: 14+, 1d6+1
- sling +1: 13+, 1d4+1, 40'/80'/160'
- Saves: (+2 vs magic)
- Petrification & Paralysis 12
- Poison & Death 13
- Blast & Breath 11
- Staves & Wands 14
- Spells 13
- Gear 80, Armor 300, Weapons 70; Total Encumbrance 450.
- leather armour
- buckler
- Wightqueller (sword +1, +3 vs undead)
- silvered dagger
- belt pouch
- sling +1
- 16 bullets
- potion of growth
- potion of gaseous form
- coinpurse
- waterskin
- bedroll
- bullseye lantern
- chisel
- cooking pots
- crowbar
- hammer
- 2 flasks oil
- one week iron rations
- 50' rope
- 12 iron spikes
- 2 large sacks
- steel mirror
- tinder box
- thieves' tools
- 6 torches
- coinpurse 30gp
- ready cash?: 1,800gp
- reserves?: 12,000 gp