Kid Canary

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Total: 180 pp

Abilities 62pp + Power 57pp + Defense 28pp + Skills 25pp + Advantages 8

Abilities : 62pp

STR: 3

STA: 5

AGL: 6

DEX: 3

FGT: 6

INT: 2

AWE: 6

PRE: 0

Initiative : +10

Defense : 28 pp

Dodge +14 (+7)

Parry +14 (+8)

Fortitude +12 (+7)

Toughness +10 (+0)

Will +12 (+6)

Powers : 57 pp

Martial Arts : Damage 7 (STR-Based), Enhanced Advantages 5 (Assessment, Defensive Attack, Power Attack, Precise Attack 2 (Close Attack ignore cover & concealment))

- Stunning Strike : Affliction 12 (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) (1pp)

Canary Suit : Protection 5 (removable (-1), 4pp)

Canary Sonic Gauntlet (removable (-10), 40pp) :

Sonic Booster

- Speed 8 (limited to linear path), Movement 1 (Water Walking 1, limited to while moving fast) 5pp
- Flight 5 (limited must start & end on solid surface you can stand on) (1pp)
- Movement 1 (Safe fall, Affect Others), Enhanced Advantages 1 (Instant Up) (1pp)

Canary Cry : Burst Area Affliction 10 (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), (Cumulative, Concentration) (40pp)

- Burst-Area Damage 12 linked to Burst Area Affliction 5 (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated)(Cumulative)(1pp)
- Move Object 12 (Close, Cone-Area, Damaging, Limited to moving stuff away from you)(1pp)
- Pinpoint Cry : Damage 11 (STR-based, Accurate 2, Improved Critical (19-20) linked to Affliction 12 (Impaired & Vulnerable, Defenseless & Disabled)(cumulative, Extra Condition, Limited Degree) (1pp)

Skills : 25pp

Acrobatics +9 (+3), Deception +5 (+5), Persuasion +3 (+3), Intimidation +5 (+5), Close Combat : Unarmed +14 (+8) Stealth +14 (+8), Investigation +9 (+7), Sleight of Hand +5 (+2), Insight +8 (+2) Perception +8 (+2), Treatment +5 (+3), Tech +5 (+2)

Advantages : 8pp

All Out Attack, Attractive, Evasion, Move-by-action, Takedown 2, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Initiative