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M&M2e Stats

PL: 9 (146 pp)


In many ways Craig is the classic happy-go-lucky Aussie: friendly, dependable, and upbeat, almost to a a fault. It's rare to see him angry, even when fighting the most sinister forces of evil. Although extremely intelligent, given the choice, he'll always do something daring over something smart. And there's no one more excited to fight "supa-powered" bad guys...

Physical Appearance

When not in costume, Craig looks like a tan 5' 6", 150lb, athlete. As Clutch, he can vary the color of his rubberized body suit--dark blue or black for covert missions and garish "superball" colors when showing off.

Battle Tactics

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Since his powers require kinetic energy to operate, Clutch attempts to: 1. Engage a super-strong foe in hand-to-hand combat, or, 2: Get an ally to literally punch or hurl him into the fray. When possible he uses his elusiveness to stay away from energy projectors, and he outright avoids those who wield more esoteric powers.

Heroic Motivations

Clutch fights crime for the fun of it. And, of course, it's a great way to promote Rubber, Too (tm).


(who do you believe in or are you loyal to)

History & Heroic Origin

Originally motivated to find an indestructible, but flexible, substance to enhance his various extreme sports hobbies, Craig finally found a way to have some fun with his dual doctorates in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. Developing a product called Rubber, Too (tm), he tested it relentlessly in the field. After founding Rubber, Too, Technologies (RTT), the brash young CEO decided to promote the company's flagship product himself.

3x3 NPCs


  • Miss Madeline: Singing at the Painted Lady, the beautiful Miss Madeline is quite the asset to the club. Considered a fixture of the dance hall, she can be heard purring to the sound of the big band. Often on the arm of the most powerful man in the room, she overhears lots of interesting things. She and James have been good friends over the years, always watching each others back. A good asset in that district.
  • Harvey: Yeah, just Harvey. Unknown to most, he is a nigh invulnerable meta-human. What is known by those that frequent the Painted Lady is he works security. Enjoy the music, have a drink. Get out of line.. you're oatmeal.
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  • Adam Last: Once a brilliant professor specializing in paranormal studies, Adam is now a semi-homeless fortuneteller of uncanny abilities. Most do not take Adam seriously because he always smells of drink. Dumbfounding Clockwork, Adam has helped him several times. He always seems to show up when he's needed; lending his precognition to those in need in Rust City.
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  • The Hammer: (Enemy to Clockwork identity) On a few occasions, Clockwork and The Hammer have met. Each and every time, Clockwork has been sorely outmatched. Only by the skin of his teeth has Clockwork been able to save lives of those entangled in his schemes. The Hammer is a meta-human crime boss whose base of operations is Rust City. He has a hand in much of the black market operations within the abandoned Daedalus Project. If it involves the sale of goods, services, or people; he is involved.
  • Sham: It is a doppelganger to the highest degree. Sham's sex and age are not known, although certain law enforcement agencies have spotty information on his activities dating back 80 years. He need only to touch the tiniest sample to copy a person down to the DNA. About five years ago, Sham settled down finding a cozy home in the crime ridden slum that developed from Daedalus. He doesn't like that Clockwork keeps interrupting him when he is having fun toying with humans.
  • David Price: Unknown to Clockwork, his brother did survive.. after a fashion. Hidden deep under the soil, he sleeps, the other alien artifact embedded into his body. Without the control device the forces wielded by the main device within David are wildly uncontrollable. Should David awaken, it is impossible to predict how much of his mind has survived or how he would react to the god-like power.


  • Painted Lady: Just northwest of the failed Daedelus Project in Rust City, this exorbitant dance hall and club is one of those rare public places where the elite mix with the thinly veiled less savory. Its art deco styling and choice of music harken back to more jovial times. The band plays loud enough to keep secrets secret. The security in this establishment is unmatched, despite its retro outer appearance.
  • Rust City: With its core being the massive rusted circular structure, it is an almost fated that the name Clockwork would call this place home. Clockwork is somewhat of a legend among the lost and homeless that inhabit this forgotten district. Some think he is the rusted structure's vengeful spirit. Rust City doesn't solely rely on him for justice, but sometimes he is all it has.
  • Olympic National Park: Located on the Olympic Peninsula, this wilderness area contains dense old growth rainforest, natural hot springs, and treacherous snowy mountains. Although beautiful, this area can become dangerous to the inexperienced or lost. Clockwork spent a lot of time here as a kid growing up and later searching for his brother.


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V&V meets M&M in ... "PROJECT VIGILANCE"