
“Well, if it isn’t Marshal Monsoon! No, no… I got it… it’s Deputy Downpour!” – One of the CounterSup Marshals that Cloudburst worked with before gaining powers during the Second Storm.
"A light gray armored bodysuit, which is a heavily modified version of what CounterSup Marshals wear. It comes up to cover most of his face but leaves his hair uncovered. It has dark orange designs on the chest and boots to draw the attention of villains. He wars a darker gray long jacket over the top to help him sneak around, whether that's within his clouds or natural shadows.
His primary weapon is a collapsible staff that crackles with orange electricity. When he drops a cloud on his enemies and fights them within it, it looks like lightning flashing within a stormcloud in the sky.
Abilities 34 points
- Strength 2
- Stamina 4
- Agility 4
- Dexterity 0
- Fighting 5
- Intellect 0
- Awareness 2
- Presence 0
Defenses 31 points
- Dodge (Agility) 4+ (9) = 13
- Fortitude (Stamina) 4 + (6) = 10
- Parry (Fighting) 5+(8) = 13
- Toughness (Stamina) 4+3+(0) = 7
- Will (Awareness) 2 + (8) = 10
Advantages 13 points
- Equipment 1
- Close Combat 3
- Luck 3
- Set Up 2
- Teamwork 1
- All Out Attack 1
- Power Attack 1
- Move by action 1
Skills 17 points
- Fighting (Staff) +10 2 ranks
- RC Pisols +7 2 ranks
- Acrobatics +10 6 ranks
- Stealth +10 6 ranks
- Perception +10 8 ranks
- Persuasion +10 10 ranks
Initiative: +4
- Staff: +10
- Other Melee: +4
- Ranged: +4
Powers (64 points)
Cloud Form (21 points)
- Insubstantial 2 ranks (Immune to physical damage, flow-through openings) (10 points)
- Precise (Flat 1)
- Reaction (2 points)
- Flight 4 (8 points) (linked to Insubstantial)
Cloud Senses (4 points)
- Senses: Tactile, Ranged 1, Rapid 1, Extended 1, Acute 1, Penetrate concealment 4 (naturally accurate and radius) Limited (within clouds/steam/mist/fog/vapor/etc…)
Cloud Cover (9 points)
- Environment 2 ranks (60 ft radius) 9 points
- Extreme Cold/Total Concealment, Selective 5 points per rank noticeable -1 flat
Electrified Nano-Weapon 22 points
- Affliction 10, Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) Resisted by fortitude, Cumulative 20 points
- Staff: Damage 8, Multiattack 8, 16 points(Linked)
- Alt: Spear - Damage 8, Penetrating 8 1 point
- Alt: Whip – Affliction 10 Extra condition, (Dodge) (Hindered/Vulnerable, Defenseless/Immobilized) limited to 2 conditions (resisted by Damage or Sleight of Hand) Concentration, Elongation 2 30ft 1 point
Easily removable -16
Costume (5 points)
- Protection 3, (3 points, Impervious 3) 6 points
- Removable (-1 points)
- Headgear - Comlink (free), GPS (1 equipment point)
- Belt: Power Knuckles, Restraints, Mini Tracker (3 equipment points)
- Lining: Cold Insulation (1 equipment point)
149 Points, PL 10