Young Warriors (SWADE PbP) StarBoy
Star Boy

Superhero Name: Star Boy
Civilian Identity: William “Will” Marshall
Age: 17 Brown hair and brown eyes 5 ft 10 in; 155 lbs.
Agility: 1d6
Smarts: 1d10
Spirit: 1d8
Strength: 1d4
Vigor: 1d6
Research (Smarts): 1d6 Athletics (Agility): 1d4 Common Knowledge (Smarts): 1d6 Fighting (Agility): 1d4 Notice (Smarts): 1d8 Persuasion (Spirit): 1d4 Stealth (Agility): 1d4 Science (Smarts): 1d10 Electronics (Smarts): 1d6 Repair (Smarts): 1d10 Focus (Spirit): 1d6
Derived Traits:
Bennies: 3
Pace: 6” Parry: 5 Size: 0 Toughness: 13 (5 + 8 points of armor)
Secret (Minor): Biological parents are Sarah and Frederick Marshall aka the supervillain team Brute Force.
Code of Honor (Major): Will keep his word and not abuse or kill prisoners. He believes a hero should set a good example with their behavior.
Mild Mannered (Minor): Will has a slight build and is not very threatening. He subtracts 2 when making Intimidation rolls.
Benefits: Added Edge: Mr. Fix-it, Increased Spirit 1 die type.
Super Powers, Power Level IV, Rising Stars variant McGuyver: Can improvise a device from common resources. Mr. Fix-it: Add +2 to Repair rolls. Calculating: A few seconds to study your foe’s actions gives your hero a major advantage. When his action card is 5 or less, ignore up to 2 points of penalties on 1 action that turn.
Powers (40 pts)
Energy Control: Light (5 pts): You can create a field of mental energy the size of a Large Blast Template up to 24 yards away; you may move the field up to 24 yards per turn as a limited free action, as long as it stays in sight.
Genius (3 pts): Trapping:Eidetic memory- Free reroll on Smarts and Smarts based skills. Modifier: Fast Learner: Ignore -2 penalty when making unskilled Smarts based rolls.
Ranged Attack: Laser Blasts, ( 10 pts): Damage: 4d6, range 12/24/48, Uses Focus for attack. Modifier: Armor Piercing 2 points.
Entangle (3 pts): Trapping: Laser energy
Armor (3 pts): Solid light-8 points of armor protection, Modifier: (-1 pt) requires activation.
Flight (6 pts): Pace 45 (30 mph)
Healing (5 pts): Your helpful hero can heal herself or another within 6” (12 yards). This takes a Focus roll as an action and heals one Wound with a success, or two with a raise. Modifier (2 pts) Heal Fatigue instead of wounds.
Super Skill (3 pts): Trapping-Intensive Training: +1 step Electronics, Repair, and Science.
Heightened Senses (2 pts): Infravision, Low Light Vision
Racial Traits:
Adaptable (Human): Bonus Novice Edge: McGuyver
Gear: Funds: $300
Total Encumbrance:
Novice Used Advance to gain Calculating Edge.
Will grew up in an upper middle class household raised by his uncle Jake and aunt Clara. Growing up, Will was told that his parents were archeologists who went missing in the jungles of South America when he was a baby. When Will was in his early teens, he discovered the truth, that his parents were the supervillain team Brute Force and that he had been born while they were in prison. The government had taken him away from his mother and given custody to the closest relative. He also learned that his parents did not know where he was. Will was upset to think that his real parents had never come looking for him. He knew they were out of prison as he had seen news stories about their exploits robbing high end stores.
Will discovered his abilities not long after an accident at a science lab. His high school astronomy class was on a field trip to a research facility in a nearby city when a strange blast of light came in through a window and struck Will and a classmate. Both were knocked unconscious and rushed to the hospital. After numerous tests they were released after being treated for minor injuries.
His powers developed gradually. First he noticed that his memory had improved after the accident. Then he discovered that he could heal much faster by concentrating and touching the injured area. Little by little he realized he could do other things as well. He could fly slowly, fire intense light blasts, and more. He knew he had to use his new abilities to help others. He had to be a good example, opposite of what his real parents were. He revealed his new abilities to his uncle and aunt and, with their help, created a costume and got needed training