Arlo Jakken
Human Assassin 6
- XP: 50,000/64,000
- Alignment: Neutral
- Full PC
- No titles or holdings at this time.
- STR 18 (+3 melee, open doors on 5+)
- INT 14 (+1 language)
- WIS 9
- DEX 16 (+2 missile, +2 AC, +1 initiative)
- CON 12
- CHA 12
- Languages
- Common
- Varikas
- General Skills (d20 roll, number or higher needed listed, along with associated ability score, per Into the Wild)
- Alchemy (Expert) INT 3+
- Athletics: Running (Skilled) CON 9+
- Athletics: Jumping (Skilled) STR 6+
- Survival: Harvesting (Expert) DEX 2+
- Survival: Tracking (Expert) WIS 6+
- Thief Skills (d20 roll, number or higher needed listed)
- Climb 14+
- Hear Noise 14+
- Sleight of Hand 8+
- Sneak 8+
- Spot 8+
- Disable 8+
- Read Languages 14+
- Knacks
- Primary Improvement (Str +1, Dex +1, included in totals above)
- Rogue (gain remainder of thief skills and +2 points/lvl)
- Class Abilities
- Combat Style: Unarmed (Attack 2/round with for +7 to hit / 1d3+3 damage and gain +1 initiative when fighting unarmed)
- Backstab +4 to hit / +2d6
- Trained with poisons: only ever poison on a result of 1 after a re-rolled of any 1s.
- AC 5 (Leather AC 7 and 2 points from Dexterity)
- HP (To be rolled)
- Movement Rate 30' (120')
- Initiative Modifier: +1; +2 if fighting unarmed
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: two unarmed attacks +7/+7 to hit 1d3+3 damage
- Secondary Melee Attack: dagger +7 to hit / 1d4+3 damage
- Primary Ranged Attack: thrown dagger +6 to hit / 1d4 damage
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 11
- Poison & Death 12
- Blast & Breath 14
- Staves & Wands 13
- Spells 13
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character.
- Leather Armor
- Some Daggers
- Thieves Tools
- Several Stoups
- To be geared, this is a working list