
Name: Gavriil Bolt
Age: 22?
Height 6'1
Weight: 200
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
“Well, if it isn’t Marshal Monsoon! No, no… I got it… it’s Deputy Downpour!” – One of the CounterSup Marshals that Cloudburst worked with before gaining powers during the Second Storm.
Cloudburst Description:
"A light gray armored bodysuit, which is a heavily modified version of what CounterSup Marshals wear. It comes up to cover most of his face but leaves his hair uncovered. It has dark orange designs on the chest and boots to draw the attention of villains. He wars a darker gray long jacket over the top to help him sneak around, whether that's within his clouds or natural shadows.
His primary weapon is a collapsible staff that crackles with orange electricity. When he drops a cloud on his enemies and fights them within it, it looks like lightning flashing within a stormcloud in the sky.
Gavriil Description:
Abilities 34 points
- Strength 2
- Stamina 4
- Agility 4
- Dexterity 0
- Fighting 5
- Intellect 0
- Awareness 2
- Presence 0
Defenses 31 points
- Dodge (Agility) 4+ (9) = 13
- Fortitude (Stamina) 4 + (6) = 10
- Parry (Fighting) 5+(8) = 13
- Toughness (Stamina) 4+3+(0) = 7
- Will (Awareness) 2 + (8) = 10
Advantages 15 points
- Equipment 1
- Close Combat 5
- Luck 3
- Set Up 2
- Teamwork 1
- All Out Attack 1
- Power Attack 1
- Move by action 1
Skills 16 points
- RC Pisols +7 2 ranks
- Acrobatics +10 6 ranks
- Stealth +10 6 ranks
- Perception +10 8 ranks
- Persuasion +10 10 ranks
Initiative: +4
- Melee: +10
- Pistols: +7
- Other Ranged: +5
Powers (64 points)
Cloud Form (21 points)
- Insubstantial 2 ranks (Immune to physical damage, flow-through openings) (10 points)
- Precise (Flat 1)
- Reaction (2 points)
- Flight 4 (8 points) (linked to Insubstantial)
Cloud Senses (4 points)
- Senses: Tactile, Ranged 1, Rapid 1, Extended 1, Acute 1, Penetrate concealment 4 (naturally accurate and radius) Limited (within clouds/steam/mist/fog/vapor/etc…)
Cloud Cover (9 points)
- Environment 2 ranks (60 ft radius) 9 points
- Extreme Cold/Total Concealment, Selective 5 points per rank noticeable -1 flat
Electrified Nano-Weapon 22 points
- Affliction 10, Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) Resisted by fortitude, Cumulative 20 points
- Staff: Damage 8, Multiattack 8, 16 points(Linked)
- Alt: Spear - Damage 8, Penetrating 8 1 point
- Alt: Whip – Affliction 10 Extra condition, (Dodge) (Hindered/Vulnerable, Defenseless/Immobilized) limited to 2 conditions (resisted by Damage or Sleight of Hand) Concentration, Elongation 2 30ft 1 point
Easily removable -16
Costume (5 points)
- Protection 3, (3 points, Impervious 3) 6 points
- Removable (-1 points)
- Headgear - Comlink (free), GPS (1 equipment point)
- Belt: Power Knuckles, Restraints, Mini Tracker (3 equipment points)
- Lining: Cold Insulation (1 equipment point)
150 Points, PL 10
Cloudbursts Journal
Case Notes
- Rick Fisher Ruled Out. AYA looking into deleted messages from Fanboys/girls for possible leads.
- New Hangman is possibly an existing killer, maybe even one that targeted abusers/sex offenders.
- The Victims had not been tried or arrested... the New Hangman could have learned about them from their victims.
- Based on the evidence found, the New Hangman could be a Telekinetic.
- Victim 1 - Eugene Parris "He is a manager at Fabsoft," AYA informs after checking his available background. "It is a local game company. Bracer games. No charges, no convictions, no restraining orders. Hangman must have known something we did not. Looks like Parris is not married, but I have the address of his place of work if someone wants to go asking questions. Or I can send the CounterSupers."
- Victim 2 - Wife Beater is Nathan Maynard. "This one was married," AYA says. "An entrepreneur. Owns a local business that makes shipping containers. Apparently the business has not been good after the Storm. No charges or convictions this time either, but there are red flags. His neighbors have made a couple of domestic disturbance calls, but even though the patrols responding questioned his wife separately, they both said that they were just having a loud argument, and the officers saw no injuries, so he was not arrested."
- Victim 3 - Pedo is Frank Rigby. "Hmm," AYA comments. "Another unmarried one. A gig musician, and not the kind that would have many young kids at his gigs. A pianist. Played at restaurants and hotels that have live music of that kind for entertainment. Some more conservative events as well. No red flags here. Again, whatever he might have done, Hangman knew it before we did."
Jade Mask
- The mask disappeared during the Second Storm. Abductor believes it may have teleported to a Super with a similar power set or 'signature' like a compass homing in on true north.
- Female build, blue ankle-length leather jacket, slim fit, single row of buttons and a hood. Matching boots
- has disintegration powers like the first Jade Mask. Power appears as a rippling beam emitted from her hand, maybe a slight blue-green clow.
- Stole a jadeite pendant depicting the face of an unknown deity from ALberich Hargrave's vault. It was a private collection, and he didn't talk about it often.
- A woman named Von Brandt asked about 'storm touched' artifacts years ago, but she was older, shorter, and stocker. Maybe some sort of relative?
- Blue Blue or White Snake might be able to find things at the vault others missed, either CSI or magical stuff.
- Seemingly confirmed to be an extra-dimensional entity, like Ice Bunny
- powers were able to fill the house with eldritch green light, on photo the interior seemed tisted as if there was something wrong with the geometry
The Patriot
- questions about ownership. The Editor claimed 'local shareholders, but looked at the strange man (later revealed to be (Douglas Parker). AYA said they are owned by SHearer Fund, and one Mrs. Mary Shearer.
- "Donald Shearer seems to have been in real estate business, but he died of cancer 17 years ago. It seems that Mrs. Shearer became something of a recluse after that. She sold her home in the City and moved to a former farmhouse upstate. I do not find anything about her after that until six years ago when the fund was created. Less than a year later she was in the nursing home, so she might have taken precautions about ailing health. She may have someone administering her affairs, including the fund, but looks like that is not public information."
- obnoxious reporter was anxious about his desk.
- Douglas Parker was a son of a police officer who shot an innocent person by mistake - or rather, by being a bit too swift on the trigger finger. He was pursuing a suspect, got startled by someone appearing from behind a corner, and shot before realizing that it was not the suspect. He was suspended for the investigation, and during that time went to walk the family dog in the evening. Two hours later the dog returned alone. The father was never seen again.
- The officer's disappearance was considered suspicious. He ended up tried and sentenced in absentia. His family came under a lot of negative attention. Then his wife - Douglas's mother - died of complications involving alcohol and sleeping pills. It could have been either accident or suicide, but after that Douglas dropped out of high school. And off the grid. Even with his identity known, nothing further is found. Until now, more than ten years later, the Protectors encounter him.
- Cosmos finds one more detail. FBI investigated the officer's disappearance. They strongly suspected that a vigilante super was involved, but it could not be confirmed, and the case turned into a cold case.
- Douglas Parker appears to have some sort of training... able to avoid basic surveillance and keep a straight face.
Leadership Notes
As long as there is a chance that I could be called upon to be a leader, I need to understand the capabilities of whoever is on the team.
Power | Blue Blur | Cloudburst | Continuum | Cosmos | Day Dreamer | Sky | White Snake |
Flight | Cloud | X | Electricity | Wings | Light | ||
Superspeed | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||
Movement | Wallwalking/Leaping | Insubstantial/Cloud | Portals | Permeate/Space | Aquatic | ||
Immunity | Heat | Phys | Suf/Heat/Cold/Rad | ||||
Environment | Objects | Cloud | Objects | ||||
Stealth | Blur | Skill | Skill | ||||
Senses | In Clouds | ESP/Danger Sense | Magic | ||||
Healing | Reverse Time | ||||||
Melee | Area | Staff/Spear | Swords | Fists | Claws | ||
Ranged | Energy | Guns | |||||
Non-leathal | Imobilized | Shock/Restrain | Restrained |