ST: Mersiel Rainer

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- Main Page; Sigma Tau Sector

  • Name: Mersiel Rainer
  • Class: Adventurer (Expert/Warrior)
  • Level: 1
  • XP: 0
  • Age: Mid thirties
  • Languages: Common
  • Background: Physician
  • Description: Doctor Rainer is a tall and slender gentleman in an open navy blue jacket and white loose-fit pants. He wears blocky narrow glasses over bright blue eyes. He has a weathered and ovular face as well as short reddish/orange hair with a neatly trimmed beard. He has a civilized demeanor that is somehow both welcoming and slightly off putting. On one side of his waist is a well-used medkit, on the other is a comfortably worn laser pistol. You get the feeling he’s just as good taking bullets out as he is putting them in.
  • Backstory:

Mersiel Rainer grew up in the planetary outskirts of one of the systems in the Detis Confederacy, in a drug infested city called Brenstreit. While most lived in poverty and were recruited into gangs and cartels, Marsiel was granted a chance at a decent life. At the age of 23 he inherited his fathers clinic and took up his profession. His medical expertise and deadly accuracy would come in handy in helping others and himself. However, after a violent shootout between two of the largest cartels in Brenstreit, a well renowned drug lord was mortally wounded. Mersiel was the closest and most talented doctor, so against his will, he was forced to work his magic. However, either due to the lack of advanced equipment or the scalpel that mysteriously wound up in his throat during surgery, he succumbed to his injuries and died. Mersiel barely managed to escape the clinic as the enraged lackies burned it to the ground. Using all the money he had saved, he managed to get off-planet on a mercenary ship. For the past few years, he’s been using talents as a medic and honing his talents with a weapon.


  • Strength 09
  • Intelligence 14 (+1)
  • Wisdom 11
  • Dexterity 12
  • Constitution 09
  • Charisma 10

Other Stats

  • Movement Rate: 10m
  • HP: 8
  • System Strain: 0/09
  • AC: 13
  • Attacks: +1
  • Saves:
    • Evasion: 14
    • Mental: 15
    • Physical: 15


  • Administer
  • Connect
  • Exert
  • Fix
  • Heal 1
  • Know 0
  • Lead
  • Notice
  • Perform
  • Pilot
  • Program
  • Punch
  • Shoot 1
  • Sneak
  • Stab
  • Survive
  • Talk 0
  • Trade
  • Work
  • Stealth


Healer Healing comes naturally to you, and you’re particularly gifted at preventing the quick bleed-out of wounded allies and comrades. Level 1: Gain Heal as a bonus skill. You may attempt to stabilize one mortally-wounded adjacent person per round as an On Turn action. When rolling Heal skill checks, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.

Gunslinger You have a gift with a gun. While this talent most commonly applies to slugthrowers or energy weapons, it is also applicable to thrown weapons, bows, or other ranged weapons that can be used with the Shoot skill. For thrown weapons, you can’t use the benefits of the Armsman focus at the same time as Gunslinger. Level 1: Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. You can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. You may add your Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon’s damage roll.

Class Abilities

Gain an extra skill point every time you gain a character level which can be spent on any non-psychic, non-combat skill.

background. Gain +1 to your attack bonus at first and fifth levels. Gain 2 extra maximum hit points each level.


  • Readied:4/4

-Laser Pistol Damage: 1d6+1 To hit: +3 Enc: 1

-Secure clothing AC 13 Enc: 1

-Lazarus Patch Enc: 1

-Doses of Lift x2 Enc: 0

-Compad Enc: 0

-Bio scanner Enc: 1

-Backpack TL4

  • Stowed:4/9

-Lazarus Patch x3 Enc: 1

-Spare Type A Cell Enc: 1

-Medkit Enc: 2

  • Money: