Supers of Leyline Island:Mordred

Player character in Supers of Leyline Island.
Mordred (Robert (Rob) Gray)

Powerfully built, dark hair and eyes, physically 30ish (ages much slower than a normal man: chronically over 40), looks like James Purefoy.
See the picture on the right.
Reborn as a result of his mother, Morgan le Fay’s magics, and the science of her researchers, Mordred was magically transported far from his mother by an error in the ritual; because Mordred was not yet magically connected to her (or to other Arthurian beings and items) due to the Round Table not yet being completed, she could not find him.
(Note: Morgan and Morgause are the same person)
Mordred was found and adopted by a good hearted couple in Cornwall, and brought up as their son. Opened minded and generous, they brought up Mordred with similar virtues, and Morded, after he regained his past live memories as an adolescent, now sees them as being his second set of parents.
It was to help others that Mordred joined the police force. It was due to a nasty outcome of a human trafficking business that he left. It was during his time on the police force, that Morgan le Fay rediscovered her due to his appearance (he looks like his past life self, other than being far tougher and more muscular), but he had mixed feelings about establishing the Round Table again. He believed that the knights just didn’t belong in a world in which bad guys (ideally) needed to be taken to taken to a court of law. The Arthurian world was one in which an evil sorcerer could just be slain. In the modern world, you needed to have things like evidence, chains of custody, probably cause, and other such things
And the modern world has things like child abuse, drug abuse, human trafficking, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other things worth fighting against, and which he wasn’t sure any Arthurian being, save one brought up in the world, and whose past life memories hadn’t reawakened until his adolescence, would be able to cope with.
On the other hand, he misses his brothers, and the other members of his family, and even the other members of Round Table. He also feels deep guilt about his betrayal of his father, Arthur, and the deaths of his fellow knights, and the fall of Camelot. He just feels that it would be selfish of him to bring him back out of no more of a need to assuage his guilt and try to redeem himself.
Refresh: 2
Physical stress: [_] [_] [_] {_}
Mental stress: [_] [_]
Weapon Rating: 2 (Weapons Master)
Armor Rating: 1 (Peak Human Condition); 2 (in plate armour)
High Concept (Mundane): Burnt out ex-detective
High Concept (Super): Knight of Redemption
Trouble: Dark (Past) Life
Origin: Arthurian Knight
Issue 1: Aurwen, White Gold Stallion
Issue 2: Loyalty Above All
Issue 3: Guardian of Children
- Superb (+5)
- Weapons Master
- Great (+4)
- Peak Human Condition
- Super Tactics
- Good (+3)
- Drive
- Fight
- Investigate
- Fair +2
- Athletics
- Notice
- Shoot
- Physique
- Average +1
- Contacts
- Medicine
- Occult
- Resources
- Will
Super Skill Descriptions
- Weapons Master
- An almost supernatural ability to control any weapon made and unparalleled wisdom of Weapon lore.
- Peak Human Condition
- An enhanced Human body that can withstand and express unbelievable capabilities.
- Super Tactics
- Years of training and experience gift this warrior with foresight and control of any battlefield and army.
- The Cavalry Arrives
- once per session Mordred can show up at any given scene, as long as he has access to Aurwen
- Human Identification
- Mordred gains a +2 bonus to Investigate when identifying humans, either dead or alive
- Lay of the Land
- Mordred gains a +2 to Super Tactics when creating positional advantages
- Mounted Combat
- Trained as much - or more - on horseback than on foot, Mordred gains a +2 to Weapons Master when fighting from any two person open-topped “vehicle”, whether living or mechanical
- Music Lover
- Mordred gains a +2 bonus to Academic rolls involving music and the creators of music, and a +1 to Rapport once per session whilst playing the guitar
- Shining Armour
- Maintenance and training allows you to get the best out of your armour getting you a +1 to AR when in plate, this upgrades to +2 when dealing with mundane unarmed attacks and minor melee weapons
Origin Issue
Reincarnation of Mordred; due to the magic of Morgan le Fay, and the scientists under her pay, Mordred was reborn in modern times, gaining the memories of his past life at adolescence. Due to his (much better) upbringing (by others), the new Mordred was far more (emotionally) mature than the old, even as a teenager, and is now a far better person
Aspect: Arthurian Knight
Issue One
Morgan le Fay finds Mordred, and attempts to recruit him to the (potential) new Round Table, and help her in her goal to reincarnate the deceased knights, and reawaken Arthur and the surviving knights. Mordred is almost killed, but is saved by the arrival of Aurwen, sent by his mother
Aspect: Aurwen, White Gold Stallion
Issue Two
Mordred’s friend and partner is accused of murder. All the evidence points to him doing it, but Mordred refuses to abandon him, having made a vow never to (again) betray friend and family. In the end, he does find the evidence he needs, but damages his career and risks his life in the process.
Aspect: Loyalty Above All
Issue Three
Mordred helps bring down a child trafficker ring, but not before some children die. Mordred comes perilously close to just starting beating up those responsible - and not stopping. A break down leads to medical leave, and he decides to leave the force
After time spent recovering, he becomes one of the Guardians of Leycross (Britannia being his mentor) and, in one of their missions, rescues a bus-load of children from an escaped supervillain
Aspect: Guardian of Children
Allies, Sidekicks and Rogues
- Aspects
- High Concept: Scion of Sleipnir
- Trouble: Uncanny Intellect
- Aspect: Skin Like Iron
- Skills
- Great (+4): Feet of Sleipnir
- Good (+3): Athletics
- Fair (+2): Fight, Physique
- Average (+1): Empathy, Shapeshifting,
- Stunts
- Quick Change: Once per session, Aurwen can shapechange as a free action
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