Shadowwalkers: Trait Sets, Mods, and Chargen

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Character Generation

You are welcome to use the following Template for your character sheet or replace it with your own format. Just make sure everything is clearly labeled with their appropriate die notations.

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Prime Trait Sets

Primary trait dice should be included every roll Add one die each from Objective, Role, and Distinction sets to form the base of every dice pool.

Objectives d6 Arrow03.png

The first Prime Trait set we will be using is Objectives, broad goals that a given action is aimed at achieving. Each character is ranked in four Objectives:


Chosing the Infiltration Objective means a character is trying to insert themselves into a given place or headspace or situation.
Chosing the Investigation Objective means a character is trying to learn something about a given situation either in the moment or via research or interrogation, etc.
Chosing the Negotiation Objective means a character is trying to get someone to alter their thinking or action via intimidation or reason or compromise, etc.
Chosing the Sabotage Objective means a character is just trying to fuck up a given situation.

Set one Objective value at d10 one at d8 and two at d6

If none of the objectives above would apply to the action at hand and the GM determines that the stakes are such that a roll is still required, the player may roll a d6 as their objective die, indicating that completing the task is, in and of itself, the charcter's primary motivation. Sometimes stuff just needs to get done.

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Roles d6Arrow03.png

Second in the Prime Traits sets are Roles. If Objectives define the primary goal of a character's action. Roles give scope to the means by which those goals are achieved.

Characters tend to fill multiple roles in the regular course of things, but as might be expected, different characters develop more in certain roles than others, becoming top tier skilled in one, highly skilled in two others, competent in most of the rest, and abysmally less competent at that one role that just eludes them.

Each character is ranked in seven roles:


Crafter: Crafters create things from raw materials, be it physical objects such as furniture or computer chips or dinner, or more esoteric craftsmanship, like a manager who builds a sales force from the raw potential of other people or a sergeant who whips a platoon into fighting shape.
Fixer: Fixers are skilled at setting a messed up situation right. Political scandal? Didn't happen. Wrecked car? That'll buff right out. Messy murder behind the Dean's office? You would not believe what this solvent can make go gone.
Runner: Runners move things - information, people, cargo, etc. They are the smugglers, the digital pirates, and the traffickers of the new world. Need a ward bound demon? Runner can get you a greqt price.
Scrapper: Scrappers get into it. They ain't met the fight they didn't like and often act as enforcers, skirmishers, etc, for those that have need of their professional talent.
Skulker: Skulkers excel at getting things done in such a way that no one is the wiser, whether it be physically entering a secure facility undetected, accessing systems via unknown back doors, or setting up a cache or dead drop in plain sight.
Tracker: Trackers are skilled at hunting down anyone or anything that doesn't want or isn't meant to be found, locating people, resources, and rumors as needed, dogging them relentlessly until their quarry is in hand.
Tricksters: Tricksters are experts at misdirection, be it sleight of hand or the clever turn of phrase that changes the subject or the explosion at the old factory that keeps the cops busy while someone deals with the demonic familiar masquerading as a python at the local animal shelter.

Assign one of the following dice to each Role: d10 d8 d8 d6 d6 d6 d4

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Distinctions d6

Distinctions are the third set of Prime Traits and thematically define aspects of each character to paint a clear picture of them as a whole. All Distinctions are rated at d8

Each character is loosely defined by three Distinctions:


Each of your three distinctions comes with the Hinder SFX already active.

Check002.png Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a D4a.png instead of a D8a.png to represent your distinction.

Echo d6

Echo describes where your character's life intersected with the supernatural and how that changed them. Echo also determines your character's Power Set.

Bloodless - An encounter with vampires left you half in and half out of their world. As one of the Bloodless you have no need of sleep and are not burdened by a need to breathe, You cannot be killed by any means that rely on lack of oxygen to bring about death.
You have access to the Bloodless power set.

Changeling - An encounter with a specific species of lycanthrope left you infected or cursed to share their form and appetites. In animal form, you enjoy the senses, reflexes, stamina, and movement mode of your beast as well as its attack forms. You understand your animal's "language" such as it is including posture, body language and social mannerisms. You never have to roll to return to human form.
You have access to the Changeling power set.

Fallen - An encounter with disposessed angelic beings branded you, searing your soul to your flesh and claiming you as a soldier in their fight. As one of the Fallen you are always aware of supernatural entities and artifacts near you (within 50') and able to identify their type. This ability is not hindered by invisibility, intangibility, or altered form.
You have access to the Fallen power set.

Mystic - An encounter with elemental forces opened you to worlds beyond the mortal realm, enabling you to call forth powers from one realm to another. As a Mystic you are able to unerringly feel where realms overlap if ypu are close enough and are able to identify the realm in question at the point where two realms touch. You are also able to do small conjurings (old school cantrips) within the normal stricture of your powers without rolling, provided the effect is local, temporary, and does not directly affect an unwilling target.
You have access to the Mystic power set.

Null - Despite countless encounters with the supernatural, you have remained stubbornly untouched and relentlessly human throughout. You have supernatural power, but even you might not be aware of this as most of them are extremely subtle and reactive, manifesting more as luck or coincidence than a tangible effect. Nulls are utterly immune to the curse, infection, or mark of all supernatural beings. What's more, supernatural beings able to sense other supernaturals can only read Nulls as regular mortals, not as the anti-echo beings they really are.
You have access to the Null power set.

Revenant - An encounter with literal ghosts nearly drew you entirely over to the other side, but you fought your way back. Changed. But alive. Sort of. Additionally, the dead are never invisible or intangible to you. You sense them and see them and can lay hands on them regardless of their physical state in the moment . . . or yours. The first time a Revenant encounters a particular spirit, they may ask one question of the GM about that spirit and recieve a true and unobfuscated answer.
You have access to the Revenant power set.

Touched - An encounter with creatures of the Fae realms marked you as one of their own. You always recognize the Fae for what they are regardless of the form they choose to appears in and may claim kinship once a scene if a fae being is present. Claiming kinship invokes protection for the duration of the scene.
You have access to the Touched power set.

Unfettered - An encounter with beings from beyond time and space has left you seriously disconnected from what most folk consider reality, to the point that your mind reverberates with a near constant sense of cognative dissonance. But oh the things your mind can see now that it is free of the chains that bind the rest of creation.
You have access to the Unfettered power set.

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Profession d6

A character's Profession is what they do outside their place in the supernatural world, though Profession and Echo are often a hand in glove prosopect, the one supporting and enhancing the other.

Examples of Profession might include (but are not limited to) cop, medical examiner, private eye, soldier, carpenter, criminal, entreprneur, author, student, slacker, playboy/playgirl/playthey, etc.

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Wildcard d6

The Wildcard distinction represents something truly unique about your character that sets them apart from their fellows and can be just about anything within reason. Wildcard Distinctions might include (but not be limited to) collector, chronic smoker, comes from money, knows a guy, mama bear, on the run, etc.

Note 1: Supernaturally flavored wildcard distinctions do not gain the character additional powers and should be broad-based in implication rather than specific. For example, Friend of the Fae would be great, but Teleporting Daemon Spawn would be way too specific.
Note 2: Wildcard distinctions that read like professions are fine, but should be clearly written as a hobby or pass time rather than as another full time profession.

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Secondary Trait Sets

Secondary trait dice may be included as appropriate Secondary traits represent character abilities or assets that may or may not apply to an action. Dice from these sets can be added to the dice pool only when they specifically apply to the action at hand.

Power Sets d6 Arrow03.png

Each character starts with a power set of the same name as their Echo Distinction. Each set includes three powers, from which the player will rank one at d10 and the other two at d8 The player also selects one SFX for their power set to start the game. Limits are set according to type.

Note: The Hinder SFX can never be added to a power set.

Bloodless Power Set

Powers: Rank one power at d10 and the other two at d8

Vamnpric Form: A host of physical changes come over the bodies of the Bloodless as they take on the mantle of potential immortality. If this power is set at d8 select two of the following included abilities for this power. If it is set at d10 your character has access to all five.
D0a.png Blood Soak: You have the tireless stamina of the corpse and are able to absorb much in the way of physical damage without taking stress.
D0a.png Blood Strength: Your physical prowess exceeds that of mortal men.
D0a.png Blood Speed: You are incredibly fast, faster than most mortal eyes can track. Your reflexes are unmatched in the mortal realm.
D0a.png Red of Tooth and Claw: You are able to use your body as a vicious and brutal weapon.
D0a.png Nighteyes: You can see in all manner of dark as easily as in the day.
Beyond the Wall of Sleep: There is just something about the Bloodless' presence, the way they move, the intensity of their gaze, the cadence of their speech. You have inherited this ability to reach beyond the conscious mind and tap into the subconscious, influencing and even overwhelming the thoughts of one you focus on, leading them to do your bidding.
Chains of Earth: Something of the weight of unlife causes reality to turn its gaze from the unnatural stain of the Bloodless, rejecting their very existence in the only way it can. Chains of Earth allows the Bloodless to sink into the earth or rise into the heavens at will in defiance of the strictures that bind normal mortals. This power only confers vertical movement.
In similar fashion, the Bloodless, who has no natural reflection, can use this power to fade from sight. When they do this they are effectively invisible to anyone looking at them, but their reflection becomes visible in all nearby reflective surfaces in response. Something that trained hunters might know about and use, but most mortals do not.



Changeling Power Set

Powers: Rank one power at d10 and the other two at d8

Shapeshift: Changelings have the ability to change into an animal of their lycanthropic species. While in that form, they enjoy that animal's natural protections, senses, reflexes, speed, and mode of movement, and in human form they still retain something of the animal's unique senses. If this power is ranked at d10 the following ability is added to the power:
D0a.png Hybrid Form: The Changeling is able to take on a vicious bipedal form that blends the stance of a human with the dangerous bits of the animal. In this form, the Changeling towers half again their height in human form and is incredibly strong and fast, shrugging off danage and landing devastating attacks.
Call of the Wild: The Changeling can mentally summon any animals of their type and command them. Animals do not have to be the exact species as the Changeling, just a similar type. So a wolf Changeling can summon canines, a leopard Changeling can summon felines, a raven Changeling can summon blackbirds, etc.
Creatures Great and Small: While in animal form (not human or hybrid) the Changeling is able to reduce or increase their size from a creature half the size of the smallest known example of the creature to a towering dire-beast of the same type.



Fallen Power Set

Powers: Rank one power at d10 and the other two at d8

Double Edged Doom: By laying hands on another being, the Fallen is able to lift them out of trouble or strike them down depending on the nature of the individual Fallen. If this power is ranked d8 select one or the other of the abilities listed below. If it is ranked d10 select both.
D0a.png Healing Touch: By physically touching a creature, the Fallen can remove a certain amount of Physical, Psychic, or Spiritual stress (choose one). The character cannot make the attempt again on the same target until that target has experienced downtime between scenes. For target creatures that are willing or that cannot otherwise resist, no roll is needed for this power. Nulls must always be treated as unwilling.
D0a.png Hand of Seven Hells: By physically touching a creature, the Fallen can inflict searing trauma (Physical, Psychic, or Spiritual - player's choice). For targets who are unable to resist, no roll is needed. As this is considered a supernatural 'mark' it does not affect Nulls.
Universal Mind: Connected to the unwavering consciousness that is the web that binds reality as we know it, the Fallen can read the surface thoughts and probe the emotional state of any living being or cursed artifact within 50' of them. Alternately, they can amplify or buffer or even shift by degree the emotions they detect.
Astral Shift: The Fallen is able to enter the astral plane or return to the mortal realm at will. While in the astral plane, the Fallen is aware of allies and anyone close to them that they choose to concentrateon, knowing their basic thoughts and emotional state and where they are in the mortal realm. Similarly, while in the mortal realm, the Fallen is able to eavesdrop on the spoken word of any other Fallen on the astral plane by concentrating on that particular Fallen.



Mystic Power Set

Powers: Rank one power at d10 and the other two at d8

Elemental Master: All Mystics are masters of three of the four traditional elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Earth opposes Air and Fire opposes Water. The player must select one element to be his Primary element of Mastery and must discard the element that opposes that one. Mystics cannot work with their opposed element, though they are fascile in manipulating the two elements adjacent to their Primary elememnt. If this power is ranked d8 select two of the following abilities to add to this power. If it is ranked d10 you have access to all five.
D0a.png Elemental Barrage: You are able to strike with your Primary element at a distance of up to 200'
D0a.png Summon Element: You can summon a certain volume of any of the three elements within your mastery.
D0a.png Affect Element: You can affect a certain volume of any of the three elements within your mastery or attemaapt to control an elemental being.
D0a.png Survive Element: You can survive exposure to or immersion in any of the three elements within your mastery and traverse that element as a native of that elemental plane.
D0a.png Elemental Scrying: You may use a scrying device composed of or filled with your Primay element to search the mortal realm for specific beings. Scrying does not function on Nulls.
Telekinesis: The Mystic is able to can reach out with their mind and take hold of an object within their sight and lift or move it. No effect die or effect die of d4 can manipulate no more than 5 lbs and only at non damaging speeds. Effect die of d6 can lift up to 100 lbs amd move said object as vigorously as a weapon. Effect die of d8 can lift up to 500 lbs and can be moved to devastating effect. Effect die of d10 can lift up to 1000 lbs with predictable potential for destruction. Effect die of d12 can lift up to 5000 lbs.
Walker of the Ways: The Mystic is able to open any gate between the realm they are in and a connecting realm (the gate must be there to be opened). Being able to open the gate does not guarantee survival in the realm beyond. Effect determines how long a gate stays open and how many may follow. Gates to the Astral Realm, the Neverwhen, and Faeie are usually not immediately lethal from an environmental standpoint, and Mystics are frequently equipped to survive at least three of the elemental realms.



Null Power Set

Powers: Rank one power at d10 and the other two at d8

Devour (Durability): The character eats powers for breakfast and can shrug off damage from attack powers, their flesh simply absorbing it.
Siphon (Psychic): The character can read the thoughts, intent, and emotion of any being trying to reach into them with a psychic power, forcing the being to lose time and memory at a rate of one minute per effect die. No effect die means no time/memory lost, but otherwise the power works as advertised.
Social Chameleon (Shapeshift): The character can take the appearance and manerisms of anyone in their line of sight, taking a new form in lieu of an action or reaction.
There Not-There (Psychic): The character can make any power leveled at them fold in on itself and collapse. When this happens the initiating party is unable to perceive the Null for the remainder of the turn.
Thief of Power (Mimic): The character can shut down one of a being's powers provided that being has used that power near the Null (within the Null's active senses or 50') in the last 24 hours. The power remains shut down until the being activates a hitch or 24 hours whichever comes first.
Thresher (Attack): The charcter's bare fists do aggrivated damage to supernatural creatures, causing stress to accrue to the stress track of the players choice (GM must disclose the current state of all the being's stress tracks at the time of the attack).
Weft and Warp (Reflexes): If an effect can be physically avoided, this character can avoid it, warping space and time in their vicinity even if bound or unconscious to avoid it.



Revenant Power Set

Powers: Rank one power at d10 and the other two at d8

Beyond the Grave (Strength): The character hqas the same sort of implacable strength that comes from being dragged beyond the wall of sleep and coming back. It is the same sort of hideous strength that vampires possess.
Eye of the Mind (Senses): The character can identify things in their surroundings using any available sense.
Ferryman (Special): The character can help lost souls to move on. The character must be near enough to see the spirit and must know its true name.
Gravelight (Elemental Control): The character can draw in ambient light to outline their form. They can use this light to deflect a certain amount of stress as it accrues, sacrificing the light to avoid damage.
Out if Phase (Intangible): The character can becone almost entirely incorporeal, able to slip through the smallest of openings like a mist on the wind.
Sidestep (Durability): The character can opt to put some or all physical stress on their psychic or spiritual stress track as it is accrued.
Speaker for the Dead (Attack): The character can bring the truth of the dead to the living, speaking horrible secrets from beyond the veil - secrets that sear and rot the psyche of all who hear them. The character is able to shield a number of souls from his words as his effect die allows, starting at two for d4 on up to ten for d12



Touched Power Set

Powers: Rank one power at d10 and the other two at d8

Emmissary of the Sidhe (Teleport): The character is able to sense and navigate the ways of the Faerie realm and move unchallenged through it as though of rank with the noblest fae.
Morrigan on Raven Wings (Movement): The character is capable of flight.
Masque of the Fae (Illusion): The character can take on the appearance of any full blooded fae they are familiar with.
Ogre Faerie (Size Changing): When the character is under a shapeshifting or illusion power that gives them fae appearance, they are able to reduce or increase their size by two categories: (doubled or tripled | halved or quartered).
Old Scratch (Psychic): The character is able to make deals with the glib obfuscation that the fae are known for, tricking or persuading others into doing their bidding under the guise of honest trade.
Red of Tooth and Claw (Shapeshift): The character is able to take on the form of an unseelie fae creature from the gloaming. While in this form, they may choose between three attack modes decided by the player (bite, claw, horns, antlers, hooves, tentacles, etc) and have durability equal to this power's rank.
Truthear (Psychic): The character can smell falshoods, whether of the verbal variety or physical or illusory.



Unfettered Power Set

Powers: Rank one power at d10 and the other two at d8



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Knacks d6 Arrow03.png

Knacks are specific specialties under a given Role that the Urchin is just a natural at. Starting knacks are worth an extra D6a.png to the roll it applies to but can be stepped up during chargen or advancement as outlined below.

Each player gets to assign two free knacks at D6a.png to their Character's D10a.png role.

Each player gets to assign one free knack at D6a.png to each of their Character's D8a.png roles.

Each player gets to assign two additional knacks at D6a.png to any role rated D6a.png or higher or step up an existing knack (or two) at a one-for-one exchange rate.

Knacks cannot be assigned to a character's D4a.png role.

No knack can be stepped up higher than the dice value of the role it is assigned to.

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Game Mods

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