Cynis Lachid and Layochi Stats
Cynis Lachid
Motivation: Protect my sibling.
Intimacies: My Sibling, Leaf Shakes the Wind, The Oathsworn Circle, The Baihu Society
Essence 3 Water aspect frontliner:
Strength 3, Dex 4, Stamina 3 Charisma 3, Appearance 4, Manipulation 2 Perception 2, Wits 5, Intelligence 2
Archery 3, *Martial Arts 5 (With My Sibling +3), Melee 1, War 3 (With My Sibling +3), Integrity 2, *Performance 3, Presence 1, *Resistance 3, *Investigation 4, Lore 2, Athletics 3, *Awareness 3, Dodge 3, *Larceny 4, Ride 1, *Sail 1, Stealth 2
Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 4
Willpower 7
Breeding 3
13 Personal Essence, 31 Peripheral Essence
Health: 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Inc
Charms: Ox Body x 2, Flowing Water Defense, Rippling Water Strike, Drowning In Blood Technique, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape, Water Dragon Form, Second Investigation Excellency, Revelation of Associates Hunch, Tampering Detection Technique, Clear Water Prana, Flow Reversal Strike, Crashing Wave Style, Theft-of-Essence Method, Ghost-Restraining Whirlpool Stance, Bottomless Depths Defense
Razor Claws: Speed 3, Acc 21, Damage 9L, PDV 11, Rate 3
Gear: Breastplate, razor claws
Cynis Layochi
Motivation: Protect my sibling
Intimacies: My Sibling, Leaf Shakes the Wind, The Oathsworn Circle, The Baihu Society
Essence 3 Water aspect frontliner: Strength 3, Dex 4, Stamina 3 Charisma 3, Appearance 4, Manipulation 2 Perception 2, Wits 5, Intelligence 2
Archery 3, *Martial Arts 5 (With My Sibling +3), Melee 1, War 3 (With My Sibling +3), Integrity 2, *Performance 3, Presence 1, *Resistance 3, *Investigation 4, Lore 2, Athletics 3, *Awareness 3, Dodge 3, *Larceny 4, Ride 1, *Sail 1, Stealth 2
Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 4
Willpower 7
Breeding 3
13 Personal Essence, 31 Peripheral Essence
Health: 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Inc
Charms: Ox Body x 2, Flowing Water Defense, Rippling Water Strike, Drowning In Blood Technique, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape, Water Dragon Form, Observer Awareness Method, Trackless Walk Style, Ears of the Snowy Owl, Precise Ink Technique, Flow Reversal Strike, Crashing Wave Style, Theft-of-Essence Method, Ghost-Restraining Whirlpool Stance, Bottomless Depths Defense
Razor Claws: Speed 3, Acc 21, Damage 9L, PDV 11, Rate 3
Gear: Breastplate, razor claws