Basilisk Hill Breakdown:Ciaran
Human Magic-User 6th
XP: 51,700/80,000
Alignment - Neutral
Full PC
- STR - 9 (Open Doors 2-in-6)
- INT - 18 (+3 languages and skills)
- WIS - 9
- DEX - 9
- CON - 10
- CHA - 18 (+2 NPC reactions, 7 max retainers, loyalty 10)
- Languages
- General Skills
- Magical Engineering (Expert) - Identify magical items, enchantments, etc.
- Bargain (Skilled) - On a successful roll the character can alter the price of a good they are either buying or selling
- Class Abilities
- Knacks
- Master Crafter
- Self-improvement, primary (CHA)
- AC 10
- HP (just list the max here, list current HP on the front page.)
- Movement Rate - 120
- Initiative Modifier - 0
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
- Hand Axe: 1d6 damage, (5'-10'/11'-20'/'21-30')
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis - 11
- Poison & Death - 11
- Blast & Breath -
- Staves & Wands
- Spells
- First Level: Spells Per Day
- A first level spell in your repertoire
- Another first-level spell in your repertoire
- Etc
- Second Level: Spells Per Day
- One
- Two
- You-know-what-to-do
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. 60 coins
- Hand Axe x2 - 60 coins
- Boots of Travelling and Leaping
- Bag of Holding - 225 coins
- Rations, iron (7 days) - 75 coins
- Rations, fresh (7 days) - 150 coins
- Lantern
- Oil x5
- Rope 50'
- Stakes (3) and Mallet
- Tinderbox
- Torches 12
- Waterskin
- Wine 6 pints
- Wolfsbane
- Potion of Invisibility
- Potion of Treasure Finding
- Scroll of Protection from Elemental
- Scroll of Protection from Undead
- Scroll with two spells (Ventriloquism and Pass-wall)