Rise from the Ashes
A post-apocalyptic Mutants & Masterminds 3e PbP game run by SomeGuyLol
Player Characters
Athena, played by ajdynon
Avenging Angel, played by Naphthalim
Rur, played by Unka Josh
Warchild, played by Max
Non-Player Characters
Dr. Elian
Riana Nichael
Places & Factions
The Ashna Technocracy: A series of settlements controlled by scientists, who seek to revive the technology lost in the Grand War.
Beacon: A community for rogue artificial intelligences of all kinds, including a group of uplifted rats, ruled by Rur.
The Neo Dynasty: A small kingdom lead by a royal blood-line of ambivalent mutants (see Princess Athena), populated mainly by farmers.
The Opherva organization: A loose association of scavengers that seek to explore the ruins left behind by the apocalyptic war.
New Ezlazir: Imperialist city state of Dr. Elian, built on the ruins of the old Ezlazir empire.