Dreams of a Distant Sea:AWCIDS:Charms and Artifacts

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Artifacts and Hearthstones

Ritho, also called Illicit Desire

Soulsteel Firewand
Type: Heavy Ranged Weapon
Tags: Artifact, Flame, Powerful, Ranged
Hearthstone Slots: 2
Withering attacks with Ritho gain 2 additional Power if the target is not immune to flame. In addition, Ritho can be used to attack at long range instead of being restricted to medium range.

Ritho contains the following Evocations:

  • Agonizing Flame Imperilment
- Prerequisite: None

Commit one mote for the scene to fire a bullet or burst of ghost-fire at a target enemy, battle group or structure that sets them aflame and causes damage as per a lava environmental hazard every round until the end of the scene. This flame cannot be extinguished by any means except Charms or Sorcery.

- Resonant: The wielder is not harmed by the ghastly flames they create.