Firefly Prime: I Aim to Misbehave

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Revision as of 14:03, 13 June 2023 by Brahnamin (talk | contribs)
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This is the main wiki page for our Cortex Prime Firefly game.

This game considers the events of the movie Serenity to be canon, while treating the TV series itself to be canon-ish, meaning the events of the overarching plot of Serenity have happened. Miranda was discovered, Alliance culpability in regards to reavers and attempting to forcibly pacify the population of an entire planet was released across the black to the verse at large, but otherwise the details and particulars of the show should be considered taproom stories told over a pint with a distinct favoring of fancy over fact for the sake of spinning a good yarn.

IOW, you don't need much familiarity with the show to keep up and follow along.

Show Canon we're Keeping: The Alliance want to control everything and everyone everywhere. They won a war to make that happen. The Independents want folk to have a more personal say and stake in their own lives. They lost that war with the Alliance.

Otherwise the Our Story So Far section contains all the necessary setting details for this game in particular.

Character Files/Meta Currencies

I will update the Character Table on the wiki each time I update the IC thread. Please do not update the table yourselves. I don't want anyone losing Plot Points or Big Damned Hero Dice from double subtraction.

If you feel I have forgotten to update the table or that my math is wrong, let me know OOC or DM me and I will fix it. Likewise, if I make a mistake on the Character/GM Complications/Assets lists, let me know and I'll fix it. These also get updated when I update the IC thread.

Character Played By SFX STR XP d6 d8 d10 d12 PP
Character 1 / 1
Character 2 / 1
Character 3 / 1
Character 4 / 1
Character 5 / 1
Character 6 / 1
Character 7 / 1
Character 8 / 1
GM brahnamin 8

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Complications and Assets

d6 d8 d10 d12

Complication [C] // Scene Asset [S] / Episode Asset [E]




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The Ship Herself :: XP

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