Out of the Spiderverse Enigma
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Enigma, the Scion
Becky Quinn (born Misty Beck)

White woman, scrawny, casual clothing, parent's costume
Mysterio drones (holograms, smokescreens, speakers, hovering), deception and trickery
Danger +1, Freak =0, Saviour +1, Superior =0, Mundane +1
o Afraid (-2 to directly engage a threat) o Angry (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask) o Guilty (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation) o Hopeless (-2 to unleash your powers) o Insecure (-2 to defend someone or reject influence)
All the best stuff: You’ve compiled access to caches of equipment and weaponry other supers have hidden in the city. When you access a cache, say whose cache it is. If it’s a hero’s, roll + Savior. If it’s a villain’s, roll + Danger. On a hit, you find a tool or intel useful to your situation; the GM will detail. On a 7-9, you leave evidence that you’ve been here. On a miss, you tripped an alarm and they’re coming; prepare to explain yourself.
I’ll show them: When you defend someone who doesn’t believe in you, you can always take Influence over them, even on a miss.
Your parent’s greatest enemy: Spider-Man (Respect oooo Advancement o)
Your parent’s greatest victim:
Your personal idol:
The city’s greatest leader: Mayor Shan Lee (Respect oooo Advancement o)
The city’s greatest hero:
The city’s biggest celebrity:
When you seek out a listed character, roll +Saviour. On a hit, you find them where you expected to. On a 7-9, they're juggling their own problems and may not have time for you. On a miss, when you find them the situation is dire; the GM will tell you how.
If you earn influence over a listed character, instead mark 1 Respect. If you lose influence over a listed character, instead lose 1 Respect. If you lose Respect and you have none marked, instead take a Condition (GM's choice).
The first time you reach 4 Respect on an individual, take an advancement.
While you have 4 Respect on an individual:
- You can reject their Influence at +3
- You take +1 to the Label of their choice
If you fall below 4 Respect, you lose those benefits.
Moment of Truth
People have always tried to define you by your lineage. As if from the moment you were born, you were meant to be some villain to be deeated. But...they’re right, aren’t they? That darkness is in you. So right here, right now, you’re not fighting it — you’re embracing it. Both hero and villain, and greater besides. You’re overcoming impossible odds in ways no hero would approve of, and no villain could comprehend. Of course, after seeing what you can really do when you embrace the whole of yourself, the rest of the world isn’t going to forget who you really are...
Team moves
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if you have earned their respect. If you have, take Influence over them and mark potential. If you have not, give them Influence over you and mark potential.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them if they would defend you against those who mistrust you. If they say yes, clear a condition and shift Saviour up and any other Label down. If they say no, mark a condition and shift Danger up and any other Label down.
Who is your supervillain parent? Mysterio. Yeah, I know, the guy with the fishbowl. He's still active, although if you see him in a fistfight these days it's a robot avatar. Most of his heists he doesn't even leave his lair. And yes he calls it a lair.
Who told you about your parent’s true nature? That would be my mom. They split up when I was little; turns out the supervillain who's all about ego and deception wasn't exactly the most stable or honest of partners. Restraining order and everything. Anyway, when I got old enough to start asking questions she sat me down to tell me who my dad was. And let's just say that didn't exactly discourage me from hunting him down.
Why did you turn from your lineage to be a hero? Mysterio wanted to train me up as his apprentice, and I went along with it for a while. Honestly, for all that people think he's a bit of a joke, what he can do is pretty impressive. This is someone with no powers who went toe-to-toe with Spider-Man, just on tricks and smarts and tech. I got caught up in the excitement and the showmanship. But for all that...he's still an asshole, you know? And I never wanted to hurt anyone. So I took what I'd learned...and the costume, and some of his prototype gadgets, and a filedump of his supervillain database...and I went rogue. I'll show him what he could do do if he weren't so selfish, and I'll show everyone what I'm capable of.
Who, outside of the team, helps you on your chosen path? Haley has been Becky's best friend for most of her life. Haley supported and encouraged Becky when she sought out her father, and is one of the few people who knows what she found. Admittedly most of her support is covering for Becky with school, friends and her mom, and reminding her to sleep and eat and be normal occasionally.
Why do you care about the team? I mean, if there's ever going to be a superhero team I fit in with, it's this one.
Catspaw is the only one who understands what I’m going through; I told them which part of me I wished was more like my parent.
My parent once fought and thrashed Spiderling; I’ve got to find a way to make it up to them.
Enigma has influence over Spiderling.
Spiderling and Catspaw have influence over Engima.