Tome Robber: Star Voyages of the Zephyr

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Revision as of 00:04, 18 September 2023 by Atlictoatl (talk | contribs) (The Zephyr)
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Character Files/Meta Currencies

The GM will update the Character Table on the wiki when the IC thread is updated. Please do not update the table yourself, as a protocol to avoid double addition/subtraction of meta-resources. If the math seems off, please bring that to the GM's attention right away.

Character Role Played by d6 d8 d10 d12 PP
Petra Captain of the Zephyr Falkus 2
GM Atlictoatl 2

Complications and Assets

  • Episode Asset: Sembia d4
  • Episode Asset: Saerloon d8
  • Episode Asset: Alexius Kyrkos d6

The Zephyr

One of five spelljammers of Thay, she holds diplomatic registration though her primary purpose is procurement of precious artifacts.