The Cluster Falk

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Scenario Overview

A motley crew in a maudlin, maundering mess of a subsector - known formally as the Cluster Falk, and by just about everyone ordinarily as the Cluster Fuck. In the chaos after the collapse of the Second Empire, it survives split between two rival local powers, the Viceroyalty of Benjamelio and the Prian Protectorate. While these petty fiefdoms jostle for position and struggle to deal with the challenge of a resurgent Third Empire, ordinary folk just struggle to get by - inside or outside the law.

Helpful Resources

Mechanical Game Information


The current stable of characters, plus one blank profile to copy for the Wiki character sheet template

Player Character HP WP SAN BP
Iustum Blank de Blank a.k.a. Tabula Rasa, your favourite clean slate 00 00 00 00
Regular Guy Agent QWERTY Agent Evan VanDerWhelan: FBI Operations Support Branch (OSB): Rapid Deployment & Technology Unit 12 13 65 52
brahnamin Agent GREY Carlos Ramirez: Asset Handler 9 13 65 52
bikewrench Agent MARINER Det. Trang Tan Galveston PD CID (former CIA Case Officer) 11 12 60 48
Random Task Agent TRAPPER Charmichael Hayward, M.D - Special Forces Surgeon 10 14 65 56

Important Places

Please note: Many place names refer to canonical locations in the Traveller setting, but details may vary... considerably.

Jibal System

  • Number of main worlds = 2
  • Primary businesses: Trade, salvage

Jibal II

System capital, advanced cloud-city culture inhabiting air-filled bubbles floating in thick corrosive atmosphere.

Jibal IV

Gas giant with vast ring of spaceship debris and derelicts dating back to Mandalorian Wars.

Teilcam System


Imperial garrison world. Capital city Eponte Spaceport, known for Drayhar's Cantina.

Important People

  • Kam Limmer, heir to the Third Board Seat of the House of Ororo Transportation, rich feckless playboy.
  • Arlo Vann (deceased), smuggler and petty criminal, your former patron.
  • Gombar Bitt, hard-bitten, grizzled old surface miner with a cranky, clanky crawler.

Story Episodes, Leads