- Main Page; Between the Wars
A Character Sheet
Background and Story
Character Details
- Name: Andrasta
- Cult: Babeester Gor
- Race: Human
- Gender: Female
Str: 15, Con: 15, Siz: 17, Int: 11, Pow: 8, Dex: 11:, Cha: 10.
- Hit Points: 17
- Total Encumbrance Points: 15
- Total Magic Points: 8
- Damage Bonus: +1d4
- Healing Rate: 3
- Movement: 8
- Spirit Magic Damage: 1d6
- Current Magic Points: 8
- Strike Rank
- Dex SR 3
- Siz SR 1
Skill Groups
- Agility: -05%
- Boat (05)
- Climb (40) 35%
- Dodge (DEX×2) 17%
- Drive Chariot (05)
- Jump (DEX×3) 28%
- Ride (Horse) (05) 5%
- Swim (15)
- Communication: +00%
- Act (05)
- Art (05)
- Bargain (05)
- Charm (15)
- Dance (10)
- Disguise (05)
- Fast Talk (05)
- Intimidate (15) 65%
- Intrigue (05)
- Orate (10)
- Sing (10) 30%
- Speak Own Language (50)
- Speak Other Language (00) (Tradetalk) 20%; (Earth Tongue) 20%
- Knowledge: +00%
- Alchemy (00)
- Animal Lore (05)
- Battle (10) 60%
- Bureaucracy (00)
- Celestial Lore (05)
- Cult Lore (Babeester Gor) (05) 20%
- Customs (local 25/all others 00)
- Elder Race Lore (race) (05)
- Evaluate (10)
- Farm (10) 30%
- First Aid (10) 35%
- Game (15)
- Herd (05) 15%
- Homeland Lore (local) (30)
- Homeland Lore (other) (00)
- Library Use (00)
- Manage Household (10)
- Mineral Lore (05)
- Peaceful Cut (10)
- Plant Lore (05)
- Read/Write (language) (00)
- Shiphandling (00)
- Survival (15)
- Treat Disease (05)
- Treat Poison (05)
- Magic: -05%
- Meditate (00)
- Prepare Corpse (10)
- Sense Assassin (00)
- Sense Chaos (00)
- Spirit Combat (20) 30%
- Spirit Dance (00)
- Spirit Lore (00)
- Spirit Travel (10)
- Understand Herd Beast (00)
- Worship (Babeester Gor) (05) 45%
- Manipulation:+00%
- Conceal (05)
- Craft (specific craft) (10)
- Devise (05)
- Melee Weapon (Base Value)
- 1H Axe (10) 85%
- 2H Axe (05) 90%
- Broadsword (10) 25%
- 1H Spear (05) 65%
- Missile Weapon (Base Value)
- Composite Bow (05) 15%
- Javelin (10) 35%
- Play Instrument (05)
- Shield (Base Value)
- Medium Shield (15) 30%
- Large Shield (15) 25%
- Sleight (05)
- Perception: +00%
- Insight (species/others) (20/00)
- Listen (25)
- Scan (25)
- Search (25)
- Track (05)
- Stealth: -10%
- Hide (10)
- Move Quietly (10)
Magical Abilities
- Spirit Magic:
- Bladesharp 2
- Strength
- Heal 1
- Divine Magic:
- Cult Babeester Gor
- Rune Points: 3
- Axe Trance
- Shield
- Slash
- Rune Points: 3
- Cult Babeester Gor
- Gifts/Geases:
Hit Points and Armour
Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | H.P. | Enc. | Hit Location |
Head | Closed Helm | 5 | 6 | 1 | 19-20 |
Left Arm | Bronze Plate Vambraces | 6 | 5 | 2 | 16-18 |
Right Arm | Bronze Plate Vambraces | 6 | 5 | 2 | 13-15 |
Chest | Heavy Scale Hauberk | 5 | 7 | 3 | 12 |
Abdomen | Heavy Scale Hauberk | 5 | 6 | 3 | 09-11 |
Left Leg | Bronze Plate Greaves | 6 | 6 | 2 | 05-08 |
Right Leg | Bronze Plate Greaves | 6 | 6 | 2 | 01-04 |
- Total Hit Points: 17 HP
- Total Armor ENC: 11
Weapons and Shields
- Skill Bonus: +00%
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Range | Enc. |
Battle Axe (2H) | 1d8+2 | 3 | 8 | 90% | M | 2 |
Battle Axe (1H) | 1d8+2 | 3 | 8 | 85% | M | 2 |
Javelin | 1d6 | 2 | 8 | 65% | M | 1 |
Javelin (Ranged) | 1d10 | 1/MR | 8 | 35% | 20 | 1 |
Grapple | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx |
- Total Weapon ENC: 3
- Weapons:
- Battle Axe
- Javelin
- Spear
- Armour:
- Heavy Scale Hauberk
- Plate Greaves
- Plate Vambraces
- Closed Helm
- Other:
- Sleeping Roll
- Good Clothes
- Valuables:
- War Booty 80 L
- War Booty 300 L
- 20L Coin
- Main Page; Between the Wars
- Main Page; Swan and Fox
Andrasta played by Stormraven
Background and Story
TEXT - brief here pls
Character Details
- Name: Andrasta
- Homeland: Sartar
- Gender: Female
- Tribe: Colymar
- Standard of Living: x (L)
- Birth year: x Age: x
- Clan: Hiording
- Base Income: x (L)
- Reputation: x
- Occupation: x
- Ransom: x (L)
Rune Affinities & Passions
- EARTH: x
- AIR: x
- FIRE: x
- WATER: x
- MOON: x
MAN | 50 | BEAST | 50 |
FERTILITY | 50 | DEATH | 50 |
HARMONY | 50 | DISORDER | 50 |
TRUTH | 50 | ILLUSION | 50 |
STASIS | 50 | MOVEMENT | 50 |
- Honour:
- Love (xxxxx): XX
- Loyalty (xxxxx): XX
- Devotion (xxxxx): XX
- Hate (xxxxx): XX
- STR: 15
- CON: 15
- INT: 11
- SIZ: 17
- POW: 8
- DEX: 11
- CHA: 10
- Damage Bonus: +1d4
- Movement: 8
- SIZ SR 1
- Hit Points: 17
- DEX SR 3
- Healing Rate: 3 /wk
Skill Groups
- Agility: -5%
- Boat (05) 05
- Climb (40) 35
- Dodge (DEX×2) 17
- Drive Chariot (05) 05
- Jump (DEX×3) 28
- Ride (mount type) (05) 05
- Swim (15) 10
- Communication: +00%
- Act (05) 05
- Art (05) 05
- Bargain (05) 05
- Charm (15) 15
- Dance (10) 10
- Disguise (05) 05
- Fast Talk (05) 05
- Intimidate (15) 65
- Intrigue (05) 05
- Orate (10) 10
- Sing (10) 30
- Speak Own Language (50)
- Speak Other Language (00)
- Speak Tradetalk (00) 20
- Speak Earthtongue (00) 20
- Knowledge: +00%
- Alchemy (00) 00
- Animal Lore (05) 05
- Battle (10) 60
- Bureaucracy (00) 00
- Celestial Lore (05) 05
- Cult Lore (Babeester Gor) (05) 20
- Customs (local 25) 25
- Customs (other) (00) 00
- Elder Race Lore (race) (05)
- Evaluate (10) 10
- Farm (10) 30
- First Aid (10) 35
- Game (15) 15
- Herd (05) 15
- Homeland Lore (own) (30)
- Homeland Lore (other) (00)
- Library Use (00) 00
- Manage Household (10) 10
- Mineral Lore (05) 05
- Peaceful Cut (10) 10
- Plant Lore (05) 05
- Read/Write (language) (00)
- Shiphandling (00) 00
- Survival (15) 15
- Treat Disease (05) 05
- Treat Poison (05) 05
- Magic: -05%
- Meditate (00) 05
- Prepare Corpse (10) 05
- Sense Assassin (00) 00
- Sense Chaos (00) 00
- Spirit Combat (20) 35
- Spirit Dance (00) 00
- Spirit Lore (00) 00
- Spirit Travel (10) 05
- Understand Herd Beast (00) 00
- Worship (Babeester Gor) (05) 45
- Manipulation:+00%
- Conceal (05) 05
- Craft (specific craft) (10) 10
- Devise (05) 05
- Play Instrument (05) 05
- Sleight (05) 05
- Perception: +00%
- Insight (own species) (20) 20
- Insight (others) (00) 00
- Listen (25) 25
- Scan (25) 25
- Search (25) 25
- Track (05) 05
- Stealth: -10%
- Hide (10) 05
- Move Quietly (10) 05
Cults & Magic
- Initiate of Babeester Gor
- Subcult:
- Gifts/Geases:
- one
- two
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Spirit Combat: X%
- Spirit Combat Damage: +1d6
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Crystal:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- CHA Limit:
- Bladesharp 2
- Heal 1
- Strength (2)
- spell (XX)
- spell (XX)
- spell (XX)
- ________________________________
- Babeester Gor Rune Points: 3
- Axe Trance (XX) (Runes x or y)
- Shield (XX) (Runes x or y)
- Slash (XX) (Runes x or y)
- spell (XX) (Runes x or y)
- spell (XX) (Runes x or y)
- spell (XX) (Runes x or y)
- Command Cult Spirit (2)
- Dismiss Magic 1+
- Divination 1+
- Extension 1+
- Find Enemy 1
- Heal Wound 1
- Multispell 1+
- Sanctify 1+
- Soul Sight 1
- Spirit Block 1+
- Summon Cult Spirit 1-3
- Warding 1+
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
Hit Points and Armour
Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | H.P. | Enc. | Hit Location |
Head | xx | xx | xx | xx | 19-20 |
Left Arm | xx | xx | xx | xx | 16-18 |
Right Arm | xx | xx | xx | xx | 13-15 |
Chest | xx | xx | xx | xx | 12 |
Abdomen | xx | xx | xx | xx | 09-11 |
Left Leg | xx | xx | xx | xx | 05-08 |
Right Leg | xx | xx | xx | xx | 01-04 |
- Total Hit Points: xx HP
- Total Armor ENC: xx
Weapons and Shields
- Weapon / Shield Bonus (= Manipulation): +xx%
Weapon/Shield | SR | % | DMG | Range | HP | ENC |
2H Battle Axe (10) | xx | 90% | xx | xx | xx | xx |
1H Battle Axe (05) | xx | 85% | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Javelin (1H spear) (10)) | xx | 65% | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Broadsword (10) | xx | 25% | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Weapon (xx) | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Weapon (xx) | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Javelin (05) | xx | 35% | x/x | xx | xx | xx |
Composite Bow (05) | xx | 15% | x/x | xx | xx | xx |
miss weapon (xx) | xx | xx | x/x | xx | xx | xx |
Medium Shield (15) | xx | 30% | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Large Shield (15) | xx | 25% | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Fist (25) | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Grapple (25) | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx |
Kick (15) | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx | xx |
- Total Weapon ENC: xx
- MAX ENC: [STR (xx) + CON (xx)] / 2 = YY
- ENCUMBRANCE: Armour X + Weapons Y + Other Z = XX
- Armour:
- Weapons:
- Other:
- Valuables:
Mounts etc
- Famous Ancestors:
- Grandparents:
- one
- two
- three
- four
- Parents:
- one
- two
- Aunts & Uncles:
- one
- two
- three
- four
- Siblings:
- one
- two
- three
- four
- Marriage:
- one
- two
- Siblings:
- one
- two
- three
- four
- Children:
- one
- two
- three
- four
- Family events:
- one (year)
- two (year)
- three (year)
- four (year)
Holdings & Tenants
- Hides:
- Description:
- Tenants:
Backstory from Chargen
Notable Events (Reputation)
Improvement Rolls to make, plus notes
- POW:
- Skills:
- For purposes of seasonal improvement rolls...
- Professional skills:
- Cult skills:
- Requirements for rune level or equivalent:
- Main Page; Swan and Fox