Running Sheet Hazarda
Father:Oberon of Amber-York
- Knight of York.
- Knight of New Camelot
- Councilor of Wall.
- King of Amber-in exile.
- Akala-Palkina Dufirosm
Total: = 485 Stats+ Powers+40 Skills+{c}+ Items +0/0 allies/Enemies + Stuff+Storage
Abilities gained
- 5 Pips Warfare-Graduates reach at Least Amber Rank in Warfare
- 3 Pip Endurance-graduates gain at least Chaos Rank in Endurance with 5 pip toward Amber rank.
- 2 Pip Strength-Graduates gain at least Amber Strength
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Technology
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Command and Communications.
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanship
- 1 Pip Skill-Gymnastics
- 1 Pip Skill-Medical Training
- 1 Pip Skill-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.
- Psyche: 65
- Strength:142
- Endurance:193
- Warfare:85
Powers {167 (250}
- (200) Master Pattern Imprint Amber-York Pattern-Pattern Owner
- 5 (5) Advanced Plymouth
- 5 Low Order Magey
- 5 Low Order Listry
- 2 Dufiro Ritualism
- 5 Mal at Reiss
- 35 (35) Advanced Shapechange
- 30 (30) Master Sorcery
- 40 (40) Master Conjuration
- 40 (40) Advanced Trump Artist.
Skills {40}
- 5 Card Magic/Poker Skills
- 4 Card Magic/Poker Skills Instructor
- 4 Table Card Magic.
- 3 Card Archery
- 3 Multi-Deck Card Magic.
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 4 Drumming.
- 3
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 2 Horsemanship- long distance riding.
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanship
- 1 Sea-horsemanship
- 1 Horsemanship- Horse care
- 1 Bottle man ship
- 2 Medical Arts
- 1 Pip Skill-Medical Training
- 2 Cooking
- 2 Rope Work
- 1 Motor-vehicle
- 3 Pilot-Air Sailing
- 2 Pilot-Airplane
- 1 Pilot-Airplane Balloon
- 2 pilots motorcycle
- 1 pilots jet ski miners aged jet ski
- 1 Fabric Arts
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Technology
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Command and Communications.
- 1 Pip Skill-Gymnastics
- 1 Pip Skill-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
- 6: Timothy Elhue, Tolknor, Nur Al-Din
- 6 Ko'ob
- Timothy Elhue
Items {}
- Signature piece
Shadows {}