The Castle

This is a roleplaying game for use by a small group of Nottingham based roleplayers.
The basic concept for the setting was, "If Joss Whedon were to do a cool Fantasy TV setting, then what would it be?". Whether we have got/will get there is beside the point. It was a starting point and if we end with something that is playable by us then that's all that matters.
The setting has taken its name from Keep on the Borderlands for nostalgia purposes, but other than the name has nothing to do with the original D&D module (B2).
The system used is the Chit system for central mechanics and the Card system for special mechanics. The group has been playing a systemless modern day game for several years now and so has falled out of the habit of using them. Any system needs only be a guide for the GM and the story, rather than a strict set of rules.