Last Emperor: Main Page

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The Last Emperor originally started as a full Dragonstar game. Dragonstar is a D20 based space fantasy game published by Fantasy Flight Games, combining the orignal fantasy aspects of the D&D game with a space opera future where Dragons rule a vast stellar empire, and the multitude of D&D races live in relative harmony, under the watchful eye and protection of the Dragons and the Imperial army.

The game appealed to me, the GM, for several reasons. It uses all the D&D tropes, meaning that recruiting players was easy. It is space opera, and I'm a huge Traveller fan (and published author). After running the game for a year, I came to dislike the D20 system itself. When we came to a stopping point in the game, I figured I could drop the game (and the disliked mechanics) and not have to worry about it further. The players, however, liked the story and the game background enough they asked me to continue running the campaign.

Needing a new ruleset, I chose White Wolfs's New world of Darkness Storytelling system, along with the Mage: The Awakening rules. This was chosen because the existing players knew the old WOD system, were comfortable with it and liked the mechanics better than D20. So it meant little or no game-time was taken by learning and explaining a new rule set, and on first reading, looked like many of the game mechanics could be translated without much effort. (I was wrong about this, but more later).

The Last Emperor pages on the RPGNet wiki has two parts: A conversion guide for D20 system to Storytelling system, including new Mage spells, merits, skills, equipment, monsters, a few new rules, and so on. The second part will be a set of GM notes about the campaign; the big secrets, some NPCs and other such things. There will be no campaign log or session notes as I don't keep notes during the game well enought to transcribe them here.

Conversion Notes

Campaign notes

It seems kind of silly to post s note My players keep out as there is no way to enforce this, but players keep out, you'll ruin all your fun.

  • Background