Coffin Rock Chargen
Source Material
We will be using Deadlands the Weird West - for this game.
Setting Rules
Race: Human begin play with one Novice Edge whose Requirements they meet.
Hindrances < < < Back to Main Page
- 4 points of Hindrances. A Major Hindrance is worth 2 points, Minor worth 1.
Because we will be posting as-available in action scenes, the Hesitant hindrance is unavailable to take.
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- Start with a free
in each of the five attributes Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength and Vigor. distribute 5 points raising an attribute by a die type costs 1 point and you may not raise an attribute above
< < < Back to Main Page
Core Skills: Athletics, Common Knowledge, Notice, Persuasion, and Stealth (all start with a )
More Skill Points: PCs begin with 15 skill points instead of 12.
- Additionally, Electonics and Hacking are not available. But Trade (Smarts) will be added for day to day tasks needed to run a business.
Languages: Everyone speaks English If your Heroe has the Outsider Hindrance and know a different language. You must drop a few points into Language (English) to make themselves understood.
Derived Statistics < < < Back to Main Page
- Pace is equal to 6.
- Parry is equal to 2 plus half your Fighting Die (rounded down). If you haven't taken the Fighting Skill, it's a 2.
- Toughness is equal to 2 plus half your Vigor die (rounded down).
Edges < < < Back to Main Page
- Humans get a free starting Edge as noted in Savage Worlds.
- For each 2 Hindrance points spent, choose another Edge.
- Each hero starts with the clothes on his or her back, and some of whatever currency is appropriate for the hero.
We won't roll Wealth for starting gear, but your starting gear is subject to GM approval. (If it seems reasonable, it will be approved).
Background Details < < < Back to Main Page Flesh out your hero's background. Give her a name, think a bit about where she came from and why she’s traveled out West—or what she’s done her whole life, if she started out there. This all helps you play your character well, and gives the Marshal lots of ideas for interesting stories.
Your Worst Nightmare < < < Back to Main Page Finally, think a bit on what really scares your hero. What’s he afraid of, and why? Now think about what kind of dream makes him wake up with the cold sweats at night. Write it down. No reason, really. Trust us.
Rank and Advances
Build your characters as Novices then add one Advance.