Idea for new game

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Revision as of 13:40, 19 March 2007 by (talk)
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Characters: level 2 dwarves (no more than one dwarrow or gnome is allowed) Different races will be available for replacement characters should your first get killed.

Stats: 27 points, point-buy system (built into the character builder). +2 points for those who do a background

Limitations: use only feats and spells from the Midnight books and core rules for the initial build. Everything afterward can be discussed and considered.

Freebies: Every character gets a free rank in Orcish and a second clan dialect. Your character's clan will be named and specific. Each character starts with appropriate gear with a total value of 1,200 vp as you like (ignore regional modifiers). Nothing that detects as magic is allowed at first (potions, herbalism and charm items are okay). Each character gains 1 skill point per level that can be spent on a Craft, Knowledge, or Profession skill (x4 for level 1).

Background: do a write-up about your character's back story. Determine what clan he/she is from and how involved they've been in the war. Do as much of a 3x3 as you like (minimum 2 entries), including any number of the following: friends, allies, enemies, places, rumors, items. Add to all of this later if you like.