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  • Descriptor: Equipment
  • M&M2e Stats:

PL 5 (75pp)

Abilities: STR 12 (+1) DEX 18 (+4) CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0)

Skills: Acrobatics 5(+9), Climb 1(+2), Computers 3(+4), Diplomacy 4(+4), Disable Device 4(+5), Escape Artist 1(+5), Gather Information 4(+5), Intimidate 1(+1), Investigate 2(+3), Knowledge: Streetwise 4(+5), Notice 4(+5), Search 4(+5), Sense Motive 5(+6), Sleight of Hand 1(+5), Stealth 5(+9)

Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Equipment 5, Dodge Focus 3, "Fighting Style" 9(All-out Attack, Defensive Attack, Elusive Target, Evasion, Grappling Finesse, Improved Grapple, Power Attack, Sneak Attack 2), Improved Initiative, Luck, Quick Draw, Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Equipment: Armored Jumpsuit: Protection 3 Stun Gun: Stun 7 -AP Shuriken: Blast 1 (Autofire) -AP Knuckle Dusters: Strike 1 (Mighty) Grapple Gun: Super Movement (Swinging) Muti-Tool Mini Tracer Night Vision Goggles Commlink Laptop

Combat: Attack +5, Damage +1 (unarmed)/+2 (knuckle dusters), Defense +4 [+7 (dodge focus)/+2 (flat-footed)], Initiative +4/+8 (Improved Initiative)

Saves: Toughness +3, Fortitude +3, Reflex +8, Willpower +3

Abilities 14 + Skills 12 (48 ranks) + Feats 22 + Powers 0 + Combat 18 + Saves 9 – Drawbacks 0 = 75 / 75


Edward is clearheaded which makes him a good investigator and he is also a mediator at heart as he is able to see both sides of the story. But he is also overly ambitious, lacks imagination, is a perfectionist, seeks wealth/fame/excitement, and is at times not the most honest person.

Physical Appearance

5' 9" with a wiry martial artists build. He appears to be in his mid twenties with brown hair and green eyes. He has a pleasant face that women find attractive (if he is a bit too short). He has some nasty bullet wounds that have never healed properly on his chest. Recently, since moving to Rust City, Edward's appearance has started to falter as he no longer has the resources to care for himself as before.

Heroic Motivations

He seeks to protect those who cannot protect themselves. He has seen corruption and violence and even, in the past, been a part of them. A single act made him see the error of his ways, a betrayal that cut his heart, now he seeks to right his wrongs. And some fame and acknowledgment along the way makes it just that much sweeter. Besides without the excitement of the streets Edward finds himself a very bored man.


  • History:

Edward was born in Seattle, the son of a wealthy and influential man - who also happens to be a mafia man on his way to the top. Ed was groomed to be the perfect mafia son - to eventually take over the family business. He was trained to be a martial artist and to be coldly efficient while working with a team of professionals. He served the mafia for years, never going to college as he never had the patience for it. Instead Edward made himself useful being an mafia enforcer and bodyguard. While in service to the mafia he did things he is not proud of and lived a life of luxury. Slowly the mafia life wore thin with him. He started to feel a darkness growing within himself when he was told to do horrible things. Then one day his life changed...

  • Origin:

Edward was asked to accompany Javier to force a Doctor to comply with the demands of the mafia. Riding in the sleek black car with his mafia friend Darius talking quietly while the excitement of a job looms ever closer. Arriving at the Seattle home everything proceeds like clockwork. The five mafia men confront the strangely calm Doctor and his wife and child. Edward largely ignores the conversation as Javier talks with the Doctor instead keeping a keen eye out for any sign of danger. The snippets of conversation that Ed catches have to do with hospital drugs and an arranged accident to occur to a city official during his yearly visit. But what happens next is a blur in Edward's memory. The Doctor is explaining why he cannot do what is requested of him. Why is Darius pointing his gun at me? Javier smiles and asks the Doctor why he shot this poor young man. Why is Javier pointing his hand at me? Darius' gun goes off but he is not expecting Edward to be already in motion kicking the gun out of the way and sending a deadly elbow to Darius' face. Why would my friend try to shoot me? The three other goons Javier brought with him open fire killing the Doctor's wife and child in a storm of hot metal. Why is the Doctor looking at me like that? I burst into motion killing Javier's other goons in a matter of seconds. Why do I feel like I'm doing the right thing? Javier has his pistol out and fires but Edward manages to dodge and lunge at him, Ed's skills of killing taught by the mafia now a muscle reflex, and his foot finds Javier's Solar Plexus. Why am I laying on the ground and unable to move? Javier stumbles out the door his pistol forgotten on the floor and the sound of cars speeding off fades into the distance. Why do I feel so good while the world is fading to black?

Doctor Malon Harrower saved Edward's life that day. In fact the good doctor even stated that Ed in fact did die for a short time while he removed seven bullets from his chest. Edward then goes into hiding with the help of Dr. Harrower and sets up in Rust City. Edward feels alive in a way he has never felt before. He sees things so clearly now. He will bring hope to those who have none.



  • Max Ziegler: Edward's father and a high man on the mafia pole. He is ruthless and considers Edward a coward - and possibly a liability now.
  • Brian Ziegler: Edward's younger brother who is a cold individual and is overly willing to do anything necessary to please his father.
  • Jill Ziegler: Edward's older sister. She is sly and deceptive but also cares for Edward and worries for Brian. She treads carefully around her father.


  • Erik LaForte: a 20-something who goes along with Edward when he does his "Urban Exploring" for excitement.
  • Lizzie Gordon: works at a local noodle shop. Edward has a crush on her but she wants a man who is creative - so they just hang out and talk.
  • Dr. Marlon Harrower: the man who saved Edward's life when Javier shot him. He is the only one who knows Edward's secret and would die to protect it. Lives outside Rust City.


  • Quinton Prospero: runs the shop "Rusty Wires". He is a kind and eccentric 30-something man. Unbeknownst to Edward he is a meta and can absorb electricity and redirect it.
  • Roman Hegyi: sells information he hears "on the streets". He is a dirty underworld informant but he knows what is going on in Rust City for the right price.
  • Armand Kettrik: an upscale rich man with ties to the mafia he is greedy but also has a soft heart with a coward's will. Lives outside Rust City.


  • Fred "Thrill" Noakes: local gang leader of the Dead Neighbors who likes to hurt people. He has moved up from hurting animals.
  • Javier Pelino: the balding mafia man who betrayed Edward. He is the best pistol shot Edward has ever seen.
  • Lucien Creely: a meta who has come to Rust City recently looking for something - and will do anything to find it.


  • Noodles Pho You: the place Edward likes to eat. Lizzie works here.
  • Rusty Wires: the place Edward goes to buy his tech toys. A crowded shop filled with cast-aways refurbished with love.
  • The Paper Box: a temporary stand that sells newspapers on the outskirts of Rust City. Run by Roman Hegyi.


  • Rust City Mafia: a local branch of the Mafia that sells drugs, prostitutes, and killers.
  • Dead Neighbors: a local petty gang run by "Thrill" that harassess the citizens of Rust City and performs acts of crime.
  • ???

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