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  • Dec 14, 1931 - Leave from Inverness for Sandø Island, with Carl Ellis' group along with crewman John Elwar, and passengers Redland Jack and Henrik Mueller. This island has been uninhabited since a shipwreck in the 16th century which left survivors stranded for several years. The survivors of that eventually founded a clan/cult which would later become the village of Bailey.
  • Dec 16, 1931 - Arrive at Sandø. Stay overnight after doing a ritual to investigate for signs of the influence. There is a roughly triangular hollow with vaguely serpent-shaped columns of stones in the corners of the hollow. They find a hole hidden by a flat stone down to a rough-shaped chamber with room for two people.
  • Dec 17, 1931 - Rebecca and Henrik talk. (End of session) Carl, Henrik, and Redland Jack discuss plans for going to Bailey. Late afternoon, the Augusta Queen goes on to Streymoy (the main Faeroe Island port), leaving John & Henrik on the island. The port is strangely quiet, they learn due to a rash of influenza.
  • Dec 18, 1931 - Ship stays on Streymoy, where they are unloaded and not fully re-loaded due to lack of people because of the plague. Henrik stays sketching on Sandø with John.
  • Dec 19, 1931 - The Augusta Queen leaves the Faeroes early in the morning.
  • Dec 20, 1931 - Arrive at Aberdeen in the evening. Hansen shows a crumpled ad for Hardeen the Mysterious from the early twenties, brother of Harry Houdini.
  • Dec 21, 1931 - Arrive in Edinborough in the morning. Arrive in Reith, near Bailey at 11PM. Walk through snow, encounter fey Andrew, and do ley line ritual. Auda knocked unconscious by Erich. Carl does second ritual.