Mano a Mano:Rounds
A round of action represents one to two seconds of game time - enough time for most characters to perform a single action or quick combination. Each character has one turn during each round. Rounds can be measured from the beginning of any character's turn until the beginning of their next turn (or from the end of their turn until the end of the next.
Order - Characters have their turns in the order their players are seated, going around the group of players clockwise.
Initiative - The character with the longest reach usually has the first turn.
Surprise - If a character successfully uses stealth or some other trick to ambush their enemies they have their turn first, regardless of other factors.
Phases - Each turn has multiple phases: (Also see Action Rules/Hit Points.)
- Stun - If the character has any hit points in his stun pool, one of those hit points are moved into the other used pool, at the beginning of his turn.
- HP/round - Some of the hit points that are NOT in the stun or damage pools are moved into the ready pool. For example, if a character has 3 HP/round and 6 HP (total hit points), but 4 of his hit points are in his stun pool, the other 2 hit points will go into the ready pool.
- The number of hit points moved can be no more than the character's HP/round. For example, if a character has 3 HP/round, 6 HP, and no hit points in his stun or damage pools, only 3 hit points will go into the ready pool.
- When HP/round is less than the number of hit points which are not in the stun or damage pools, the player can decide which hit points move to the ready pool. For example, if a character has 3 HP/round, 6 HP, and only 2 of his hit points in his stun pool, then the character's player decides which 3 of the other 4 hit points are moved into the ready pool.
- Actions - The hit points in the character's ready pool may be used to perform actions and moved to the defense or other used pool. Most actions require the use of at least one hit point. This hit point, and additional hit points, can be used to maneuver, manipulate an opponent, or add power to an attack. When a hit point is used in one of these ways, it must be put into either the defense or other used pool. The character's turn is over when his player stops using (or chooses not to use) the character's ready hit points, or when the character runs out of ready hit points. (See Action Rules/Maneuvering, Action Rules/Manipulation and Action Rules/Attacking.)