Mano a Mano:Equipment CP

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Equipment CP

The Character Points (CP) amounts of most weapon modifiers is similar to the ability CP scale. The Default CP scale is used for concealment (Con). The Double CP scale is used for parry (Par) and grapple (Grp). The Triple CP scale is used for attack (Atk).

Modifier Default CP Double CP Triple CP
-4 -1000 -2000 -3000
-3 -600 -1200 -1800
-2 -300 -600 -900
-1 -100 -200 -300
0 0 0 0
1 100 200 300
2 300 600 900
3 600 1200 1800
4 1000 2000 3000
5 1500 3000 4500
6 2100 4200 6300
7 2800 5600 8400
8 3600 7200 10800

The CP of a weapon's power is on the same scale as the CP of template power. (See Game Design/Template CP.)

Power   0    0.5    1   1.5  2   3   4   5    6    7    8    9    10
CP    -2000 -1200 -600 -200  0  200 600 1200 2000 3000 4200 5600 7200

The CP of natural armor is the CP value for the armor's absorption (Abs) on the default CP scale multiplied by the armor's cover (Cvr).

The CP of a weapon's heft is based on four times the weapon's power minus it's heft (4xPwr - Heft).

4xPwr - Heft   -8   -7   -6   -5  -4  -3  -2  -1   0    1    2    3    4
CP           -1000 -600 -300 -100  0  100 300 600 1000 1500 2100 2800 3600

Each tenth of a meter (0.1 m, 10 cm or about 4 inches) of reach is worth 20 CP:

Reach    CP

 0 m      0
0.1 m    20
0.2 m    40
0.3 m    60
0.4 m    80
0.5 m   100
0.6 m   120
0.7 m   140
0.8 m   160
0.9 m   180
1.0 m   200
1.1 m   220
1.2 m   240
1.3 m   260
1.4 m   280
1.5 m   300
1.6 m   320
1.7 m   340
1.8 m   360
1.9 m   380
2.0 m   400
Reach   CP

2.5 m   500
3.0 m   600
3.5 m   700
4.0 m   800
4.5 m   900
5.0 m  1000
6.0 m  1200
7.0 m  1400
8.0 m  1600
9.0 m  1800
 10 m  2000
 12 m  2400
 14 m  2800
 16 m  3200
 18 m  3600
 20 m  4000
 25 m  5000
 30 m  6000
 35 m  7000
 40 m  8000
 50 m 10000

Each 1/6 of sharpness is worth 200 CP:

Sharpness CP
0 0
1/6 200
1/3 400
1/2 600
2/3 800
5/6 1000
1 1200