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Chaotic Good Human Swordsage 6/Crusader of the Silver Flame 3

Hot blooded would be the simplest way to describe Siber. And that isn't a pun on his flame powers, he is truly more fearless, possibly more foolish, than a Paladin.

Saying that Siber is a member of the Church of the Flame is not an unreasonable statement but it is not quite accurate. Siber is in fact a lone missionary who works for a power he calls the flame and shares many traits with the Religion founded in Thrane. Yet he does not claim to herald from any nation and his quarrels are strictly with supernatural evils.

His past remains a mystery however this much is known.

- He has been labeled a Brelish assassin by Thrane's people.

- He has a connection with Sophia, what this is remains to be known but she seems to resent him for it.

- He also knows Rupin. The two of them fought a demon possesed golem in order to save a village.

- He most likely comes from one of the far western reaches of Khorvaire. Perhaps the Eldeen or Shadow Marches.

- He has his right hand deformed into a claw. No one knows about this but it could signal a connection to the Demon Wastes.

Recently Siber came into possession of a powerful Airship called the Silver Striker powered by an elemental that only listens to his commands. He has since gained the companionship of a gnome artificer named Lyren and a female humanforged named Thirteen/Chantal.

Role playing Tips: Siber is fearless in all regards of the word. No threat reaches him and no taunt diminishes him. The only time might he consider bowing to the force of an enemy is when that enemy is threatening something precious to him. He is overconfident in his speech as well and is not one to simply ignore other people's mistakes. When he thinks you're doing something wrong he will criticize you for it and will either help you follow a proper path or (in the circumstances of evil) he will threaten you.

Because of his chaotic orientation. Siber let's some things slide more than others and is not above stepping on a few toes to get what he wants.