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Quotes from the Chancel Amyra Nobilis Game

This is a selection of interesting (and other) quotes from the game, that the players think are fun enough to share...

Chapter One:
[Theresa] "But I think he'd rather have room to run around. He could get I debating the mental health of a rabbit?"
[DanteE] "Yes. A God-touched cannibalistic potentially dinosaur-sized rabbit."
[Theresa] "Just checking."

From Chapter Three: [Carrie] "I think that in the near future our credibility would be best served by doing as Consequences suggested and building our corps of assistants."

"Wild's Lesson and the Bureau of Monstrosities at your service, sir."
[DanteE] "I'm guessing you're not forming a Punk Rock band."

Red: "May I have several cows, Theresa?"

Chapter Six: [Theresa] (Well, it's just that we _could_ give him that big of a burger, if we wanted. It might even fall under Urban.)
[Carrie] (Soyburger?)
[Theresa] (Do you want to give a giant werewolf a veggieburger and hope he can't tell the difference?)
[JamesUrban] (In no interpretation of my estate would creating giant hamburgers fall under it. Mayor McCheese maybe.)
[Random Nerd] (Fast food definitely falls under Urbanization, I think.)
[Random Nerd] (Just like the Power of Horses could probably make a saddle with no trouble.)
[Random Nerd] (Or, for that matter, Brian could probably make a calculator, or Carrie make an inspirational book.)
[Brian] (Brian IS a calculator. *raspberry*)
[JamesUrban] (I can see that. I can see making a fast food place, but not just a giant burger.) [DanteE] (James probably creates Starbucks by accident when he sneezes.

From the Mexican Madness chapter: Courage: OK, let's review: my fellow Noble--the one being attacked--is cowering in my shirt pocket because of the noisy helicopter we just appropriated which I'll probably wind up flying with no prior experience into a dimensional vortex heading for Mexico to hunt down what may or may not be an excrucian chupacabra.
Plants: And you just had the best cheeseburger possible without magical means.
Courage: ...I'm OK with it. You?

From Weekend at Barakiel's: Barakiel: "Ah, yes. Then I must ask you a question. You have only been raised above humanity for a short time, and yet you have still seen some of the War. What do you think of it?"
DanteE: (Uh, we're against it?)
Brian: "I honestly don't know what to think. The Excrucians seem to be acting somewhat randomly."
Theresa: "Warmains hit like a bitch, sir."
Barakiel looks at Theresa with all his eyes, for a moment. "They do, at that."