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It begins in 1886, when a London doctor discovers a formula that unleashes the savage, base impulses that rage within him. Desperate to capture the monster, the Scotland Yard Inspector and the alienist assigned to the case enlisted the aid of other exceptional indivuduals. Once the doctor is brought under control, a mysterious secret agent, answerable only to Queen Victoria and known only as "N", brings these extraordinary adventurers together in service to the Empire as Her Majesty's Champions.

Lady J____, the wealthy heiress and adventuress. She is a master detective, a crack shot and the very model of the New Woman.

Beowulf, the ancient pagan warrior champion, possessed of superhuman vigor and tenacity. A frail and devoutly Christian doctor has, through an accident of psychic archaeology, found himself as the spirit's chosen conduit into the living world.

The Steel Knight, a brilliant scientist and nobleman who has constructed a suit of nigh-invincible electromagnetically-driven battle armor.

Doctor Pym, one of the world's premier scientific geniuses. A master of chemistry, biology, and differencial engineering, and creator of a number of astronishing inventions that enable him to battle delinquents.

The Grey Gargoyle, the creature who brought the group together. Possessing a wicked cunning and brutal, inhuman strength, he is barely controllable and soon slips his leash, ready to wreck havok once again.

Luckily, a more suitable replacement is ready to take his place.

The Victorian, created by using a perfected version of the formula that unleashed the Gargoyle. Chosen from the ranks of the noblity, the sword-weilding, swashbuckling champion is the personification of all that is considered good and admirable in the modern British gentleman.

And under the Victorian's leadership, the team continues to grow.

Hawkeye, a rifleman raised in the frontiers of South Africa. He is a master hunter and the world's greatest marksman, but his manners are often considered uncooth by urban Victorian society.

Morgana and Giantkiller, twin changelings raised by Tinkers. Morgana is a mistress of faerie magics, while her brother is fleet of foot and of mind.

T'Challa, an African tribal prince and epitome of the Noble Savage. He is a supurb physical specimine, a trained hunter and warrior, and steadfastly brave in the face of danger. He is also a spy among the group, hoping to ascertain how much of a threat this group might pose to his homeland.

Galatea, the clockwork automaton. Created by Dr. Pym's rogue creation, Adam, to destroy Her Majesty's Champions, she instead rebelled and joined their ranks.

Dreadnought, a disgraced gentleman transformed by the Prussian science pirate The Red Baron. His body is supercharged with the power of electricity, giving him the strength of an army. He also rebelled against his villianous creator and joined the Champions.

The Emerald Venus, once the fair cousin of the mad doctor who became the Grey Gargoyle. His immoral desires drove him to try to use his formula to turn her into a suitable mate, but instead unleashed a green-skinned collosus of immense strength, incredible beauty, and indominable attitude.

One thing I could see is Vision having steam whistles or other noisemakers as forms of communications, something loud and unmistakable to signal when danger is near.

Kang the Conqueror - time traveling despot from far in the future, the 21st century. Using arcane technologies from the future he has an edge over the Victorian Era, and is determined to shape the upcoming 20th century in his image. As Kang's real name is Nathaniel Richards, and has gone by other aliases, you might want to come up with your own alias.

The Collector - could also be reimagined as a powerful collector of antiquities including rare machines, like the Vision. Instead of being an alien, he could be a Methuselah like human who has lived for ages.

Mister Sinister aka Nathan Essex could be used as is. He was born in 19th century London and it was there that he learned of the science of mutation. He could be used without the influence of Apocalypse, and be more of a self contained scientist ala Doctor Moreau.

19th Century villains - Professor Moriarty, Dracula, Jack the Ripper. Whomever you can use to make the setting feel more authentic, as well as throw off the heroes who are expecting reimagined marvel villains.

The Hellfire Club: Composed primarily of former members of the now defunct East India Trading Company, The inner circle of the hellfire club consists of wealthy merchants and chiefs of industry who are determined to regain their lost finances. Instead of mutants, there powers derive from a demonic contract with the mysterious demon Blackheart (who is unknown to all except the inner circle). membership includes Sebastian Shaw, his layabout opium addict son Shinobu (Shinobi always struck me as an odd name), the cyborg Donald Pierce, (who's more like the amazing screw on head, attaching his still human head to various robot bodies) Emma Frost (who controls her husband with psychic powers), and the time travelling Trevor Fitzroy. There current plan involves building giant clockwork men called Sentinels and using them to provoke World War I (which Fitzroy knows about via time travel) early, leading to the eventually collapse of western civilization.

The Mandarin: A mysterious crime lord opposing European occupation of China, the Mandarin uses ancient Chinese black magic and technology built by kidnapped scientists (Such as the charming and debonaire Sir Anthony Stark) to plan the downfall of the British empire. He has bestowed numerous western mercenaries with strange powers. Among them an American named Crusher Creel (Absorbing man), A Russian named Emil Blonsky (The Abomination), and Paul Duvall (the Grey Gargoyle) to act as his minions. His current plan involves using two powerful monsters: A giant mechanical man (Ultimo) and a giant Chinese dragon (Fing Fang Foom) to utterly destroy all of Europe, allowing China to rise as the worlds next Superpower.

HYDRA: A Prussian noble named Wolfgang Struker has decided to create an empire for Prussia which rivals the British empire. Aiding him in his quest are Baron Heinrich Zemo and Johann Schmidt, a disfigured mercenary who claims to have fought in the American Revolution (the validity of this is suspect, considering it would make him almost a hundred years old, and he carries himself as if he were a man of thirty, but few call him on it and live to tell the tale). Struker has assembled an impressive army, and the banner for the army is Struker's family crest: a Hydra. To make them even more of a threat, Struker has also enlisted the aid of a swedish scientist named Arin Zola, who has been studying Darwins theory of natural selection and has expanded greatly upon it. Rumor has it he is building a race of creatures which are half human, half rat.

Radioactive man: Chen Lu is a railroad worker in the American West, and like his fellow Chinamen he recieves little respect from his American peers, but he continues onward to support his family. One day, while blasting through a mountain, Chen is caught in a cave collapse and ends up in a hidden chamber, where he is exposed to mysterious green glowing rocks. When he is eventually found, his skin has turned green, and he now has the strength of many men, capable of doing the work of ten men. This is lucky, because after Chen returns to work everyone around him begins to sicken and die, including his wife and two children. Chen is blamed and driven off by the surviving railroad workers, but their blame is justified: Chen is now giving off radiation, ten years before Marie and Pierre Curie would discover the concept. Now Chen is living as a hermit, bitter at the loss of his family and his freakish appearence, as well as his mistreatment in general, he has begun to lash out at nearby downs and at his former employers, endagering people with his rampages and even moreso with his radioactive aura.

En Sabbah Nur: One of the last remaining pirates and Captain of The Apocalypse, En Sabbah Nur is a hulking mountain of a man, though apparently lacking the shapeshifting power of his 616 counterpart, he is still a force to be reckoned with. He is immortal or at least claims it, and considering he once took a cannon shot straight to the chest with no effect, few argue his claim. Nur's crew is made up of indviduals with strange and terrifying abilities, including but not limited to the viscious and feral Victor Creed, the deranged and disfigured Wade Wilson, the lookout Calypso, who can see enemy ships coming a mile away, and the monstrously huge Fredrick Dukes. Nur's latest crime is attacking a british trading ship called The Excalibur, and kidnapping the wealthy nobleman Warren Worthington the Third. The Worthington's are wealthy beyond belief, but oddly no ransom has been issued. But what else could the evil Immortal want with the young and reclusive Warren?

Just to name a few. I actually had an idea similar to this myself. Think its a pretty good one myself. Some ideas for PC's I had included Luke Cage as a freed slave turned bounty hunter, Kurt Wagner as a British Privateer and captain of the Nightcrawler, and Jennifer Walters as a early suffaragete who was subjected to experimental hormone injections in order to make her more "managable" which turned her into a giant of a woman.