Doctor Destroyer
Doctor Destroyer PL 22 (330PP)
Init +8; 30ft (Run); Defense 24/20 (10 Base, 4 Dex); BAB +10; +13 Melee (18S Punch), +14 Ranged (15S Various Attacks); SV Dmg +9 (15 Protection), Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +15 (10 Protection); Str 16, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 6 (Total 88PP)
Skills: Computer 1/+24, Sense Motive 1/+16, Craft 1/+24, Diplomacy 1/+9, Listen 1/+16, Repair 1/+24, Search 1/+24, Spot 1/+16, Science Skills at +24 (Archeology, Botany, Chemistry, Genetics, Geology, Mathematics, Medicine, Metallurgy, Nuclear Physics, Physics, Robotics, Sub-Atomic Physics) (Total 20PP)
Feats: Contacts, Assessment, Headquarters, Improved Initiative, Infamy, Inspire, Leadership, Minions, Durability, Blindsight (Total 20PP)
Super Intelligence +18 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 2 / Total 36PP) Super Charisma +10 (Source: Mutation; Extra: Intimidating Presence) (Cost 3 / Total 30PP) Super Wisdom +10 (Source: Mutation; Extra: Mental Protection) (Cost 4 / Total 40PP) Super Strength +15 (Source: Mutation; Extra: Protection) (Cost 5 / Total 75PP) Amazing Fortitude Save +8 (Source: Mutation; Extra: Damage Save [5]) (Cost 2 / 13PP) Arm Blasters (Weapon) +15 (Source: Technology; Power Stunts: Duel Damage, Fatigue, Snare, Stun) (Cost 1 / 15+8PP) Gadgets +15 (Source: Technology) (Cost 1 / 15PP)
Quark: Honorable Quark: Must gloat and reveal plans to downed foes. Disturbing: Severely scared face.