Borgin "Bighammer" Bristlebeard

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Borgin "Bighammer" Bristlebeard

Borgin's Character Sheet at 3edb

STR 19 +4
DEX 11 0
CON 23 +6
INT 14 +2
WSD 14 +2
CHA 8 -1
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
224 0 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
+4 0 +4 0
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
28 10 18 0 0 0 0 0 0

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
+21 +16/+11/+6 4 +1
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
+16 +16/+11/+6 0 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT +17 +12 +4 +1 0
REFL +8 +7 0 +1 0
WILL +8 +5 +2 +1 0

Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
Morgisbane +7 2d8+15+1d6 20 x3 Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 4 communicates by Empathy, Lawful good, Sunder, Evasion, Ego 15

Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
+3 Mithral Full Plate Mail Medium +11 -2 +3 Cold resistance, Light Fortification
+5 Heavy Adamantine Shield Shield +7 -1 SR 19

Feats & Special Abilities
Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Monkey Grip Use weapon one size category larger than you in one hand, -2 attack bonus
Wep Focus/ Greater WF (Maul) +2 to hit with Maul
Weapon Spec Maul +2 to damage rolls with Maul
Skill Focus: Weaponsmith +2 to Craft: Weaponsmithing checks
Power Attack (Fighter) Subtract from attack bonus, add to attack damage
Cleave (fighter) Second attack after killing a foe
Improved Initiative (Fighter) +4 to Init.
Track (Ranger) Wilderness Lore/Survival check to track enemies across terrain
Favored Enemy: Giants (Ranger) +2 damage Vs. Giants
Wild Empathy (Ranger) Diplomacy Check to improve disposition of animals
Armour Spec (Full Plate) (Ftr) DR 2/- when wearing full plate armour
Giantsbane (Fighter) Allows 3 maneuvers: Duck Under, Death From Below, & Climb Aboard
Melee Weapon Mastery (Ftr) +2 to attack + damage rolls with Bludgeoning weapons
Greater Weap. Spec. (Ftr) +2 damage to all Maul attacks
Exotic Weapon Mastery (Maul) Use Maul one-handed without penalty.
Uncanny Blow Strength x 2 damage when using Maul two-handed; twice Power Attack when used one-handed
Dwarf Racial Feats Darkvision, Base Speed 20 ft, no speeed restriction for armour, Stonecunning (+2 search checks to notice unusual masonry), Weapon Familiarity: Dwarven Waraxe, Dwarven Urgrosh, Stability (+4 to resist Bull Rush/Trip, +2 to saves vs poison, spells, and spell-like effects, +1 attack roll vs. Orcs & Goblinoids, +4 Dodge bonus to AC vs. Giant subtype, +2 to Appraise checks on Stone or metal items, +2 Craft checks on stone or metal items
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, Hobgoblin, Gnome, Orc

Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
Climb Str +12 +4 8
Craft: Weaponsmithing Int +15 +2 9 +4
Intimidate Cha +7 -1 8
Jump Str +8 +4 4
Knowledge Dungeoneering Int +8 +2 6
Knowledge: Geography Int +8 +2 6
Knowledge: Nature Int +8 +2 6
Listen Wis +7 +2 5
Search Wis +7 +2 5
Spot Wis +7 +2 5
Survival Wis +10 +2 8
Use Rope Dex +8 0 8

Spell List
No Spells Assigned.

Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Bracers of Health +4
Ioun Stones Iridescent Spindle (Survive without air) Pale Green (+1 to attack rolls and saving throws)
Boots Of The Winterlands Travel over snow, ice at normal speed, boots warm the wearer as an Endure Elements spell
Decanter Of Endless Water Allow creation of fresh or salt water,


Born and raised in [Insert name of the holdfast near Altendorf] Borgin spent many years as a warrior for his clan. After many pitched battles with hobgoblins and orcs alike, his huge warhammer "Morgisbane" became something of a symbol of fear for the goblinoids, who gave him his nickname.

After retiring from the militia, Borgin settled into a small hut on the north face of one of the larger mountains in the range, where he opened a smithy and a small temple to Moradin with his wife, Emya. The two lived happily and even had a child, a youngling named Myrf, and the Bristlebeard smithy was well-known among the dwarves of his clan.

Then the giants came, one cold winters day when the grizzled dwarf was out prospecting, and they destroyed his home. Slaying his wife and son with impunity, they ransacked the smithy before destroying the place utterly.

Since then, Borgin has travelled the length and breadth of the land, hunting the exact band of giants that murdered his family. Since he isn't actually sure which giants it was, he has developed the simple credo: "Kill 'em all, 'n ye're bound tae git the right 'un!"