The London Trumpet - Victorian Broadsheets
"For all the news that's fit to print! - Across the Empire here the Trumpet's call!! - Long live the Queen."
Friday, August 31, 1888
- XLII, Vol. 1, #1: In this week's paper...
MENACE to MANKIND! An unknowable Spyder-man haunts the city --(by Jameson)
- As if not diluted enough, our citizens now must contend with what could only be an insane asylum escape who's turned himself into a beast that could be eating our children like flys in his disgusting nest. It's a menace to all of the Empire, not just London proper. Should this imbecile’s lunacy spread through the disease his eight-legged carcass carries Paris might see a six foot Ant-man, our African empirical brothers may see Panther-men, even fair Dublin might be tainted with Lizard-men or far far worse. What will you do London, when this masked mangy man spins his web onto your son or daughter taking them into his gullet? What will you do when our fare streets are clogged with his villainous webs? What will you do when this monster invades your home with his poison? I ask you London, help to save our city from the unknowable threats before they become all too known and we are overtaken.
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??? , 1888
- XLII, Vol. 1, #2: In this week's paper...
??? --(by ???)
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